August 26, 2015 Welcome to Curriculum Night!
Introduction Diana Campbell Regular & Adv. Language Arts 1 st Year at Centennial 13 th Year as Teacher Arizona “Sudo Native”/Prescott Girl Married to Mark (Teacher at MTPO) 2 Sons Chris (7 th CMS, Camden MTP Preschool) Soccer Mom/Wife and Avid Reader
Supplies List ALL CLASSES Backpack/Book Bag Pencils w/Sharpener or Extra Lead Pens (Red and Black) Colored Pencils Whiteboard Markers Gluesticks Looseleaf Paper Post It Notes Index Cards ELA – 3 Subject Spiral Notebook with pocket folder MATH – 1” 3 Ring Binder with 5 dividers and a basic calculator SOCIAL STUDIES – 1 Subject Spiral Notebook with at least 70 pages (per semester) SCIENCE – ½” 3 Ring Binder with 3 dividers
Classroom Expectations Prepared: Be On Time Ready to Learn Supplies 3 Subject Spiral Notebook,Pens/Pencils, Paper, Colored Pencils, WB Markers Polite: Treat Others with Respect Use Manners Follow Classroom Rules Keep Room Neat Performing: Follow Directions Engaged and On Task Participate and Contribute
Standards Base Grading Learning Goals Based on State College and Career Readiness Standards Drives Instruction Determines Students’ Grade
Standards Based Grading Weighting 90% Assessment – Formative and Summative 10% Practice – Classwork and Homework Assessments Standards based grading 4 point scale Created by 7 th grade ELA teachers for consistency Reassassements allowed after meeting prerequisites A Summative Assessment (test) measures PROFICIENCY A Formative Assessment (quiz) measures PROGRESS toward proficiency
Standards Based Grading 4.0 Scale will be entered and averaged for a final grade. Example: Assesments for QTR 1 Standard A: 3 Standard B: 3.5 Standard C: 2.5 AVERAGE: 3.0 GRADE: A-
ELA Curriculum Reading Types of text (nonfiction informational, short fiction, and novels of different genres to build reading fluency and comprehension skills. Writing Composing a variety of texts such as: Informational Narrative, Persuasive, Argumentative, Research, Poetry, & Book Reviews.
Interactive Notebooks Purpose: The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable students to be creative, independent thinkers and writers. Interactive notebooks are used for class notes as well as for other activities where the student will be asked to express his/her own ideas and process the information presented in class. 3 Sections Spiral: Reading Logs/Writing, Notes, Reference/Glossary Completion and Grading: The majority of all classwork and homework will be completed in the notebooks. They will be graded periodically and entered as a practice grade.
Accountable Independent Reading Purpose: To engage and motivate students in learning things they care about To promote a love of reading To build vocabulary: reading a lot exposes students to new words and ideas To build knowledge about the world (through both fiction and informational text) To build reading “stamina”: the ability to read harder text for longer periods of time Regular ELA Requirements: Weekly Reading = 1 hour minimum Reading Log = 3 entries Conferences = every 2-3 weeks to check on log and comprehension (Practice) Book Review = 4 paragraphs at end of quarter (Assessment) Adv. ELA Requirements: Weekly Reading = 2 hour minimum Reading Log = 4 entries Conferences = every 2-3 weeks to check on log and comprehension (Practice) Classic Book Analysis = 6paragraphs at end of quarter (Assessment)
Reading Log Reading log (in notebook) will include: Goal for the week and reflection 3-4 entries (Minimum of 20 minutes read for each entry) Dates and Pages Read Plot Tracker (Summary 2-3 Detailed Sentences) Reviewers Notes (Guided Reading Reflections Using prompts below) Reading Conference you will be asked to: Show your reading log Share your goals Discuss your book selection Read a passage from the book you have found interesting Answer questions regarding comprehension
Homework Reading 20 minutes 3-4 times a week and completing reading log. Typing Agent Online minutes a week. Completion of classwork (usually in notebook). Reading Review/Book Analysis once a quarter. Final Drafts of Writing Assessments 1-2 times a quarter.
Reminders Regular cam-7ela Advanced cam-7advla Remind provides a safe way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents about homework, upcoming due dates and other important information.