WELCOME TO MS. DEGENSHEIN’S CLASS! “ The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.” -Anonymous
A M I IN THE RIGHT PLACE ? Ms. Degenshein or Ms. “D.” Environmental Science Level 1
W HO IS THIS TEACHER AS A PERSON ? My favorites: Movie: Apollo 13 Show: Friends Sport: Basketball Sports Teams: Giants, Knicks, Seton Hall Food: French Fries About me: TCNJ Class of 2011 Jersey born and raised Played soccer and basketball And most importantly, I LOVE teaching science!
W ILL M S. D EGENSHEIN TREAT ME FAIRLY ? ABSOLUTELY! I care about all of my students. I will show you the respect you deserve but you also have to show me the respect I deserve!
H OW W ILL I BE GRADED ? Tests, Quizzes, Major Projects: 50% Labs and Activities: 25% Homework + Notebook: 15% Participation and Classwork: 10% If you miss a test or a quiz, YOU must find me to come make it up. Handing in a lab or project late will result in a one letter grade deduction for each day late. I will NOT accept late homework unless you were absent.
C LASSROOM R ULES Be respectful (of me and your classmates) Be responsible. Be reasonable. Expectations: Come to class ready to learn, take notes, ask questions, and participate in a positive manner. Do your homework and class work. Prepare for quizzes, tests, and assessments. Come for extra help if you need it.
C LASSROOM G UIDELINES G UIDELINE #1 Be in your seat ready to work when the bell rings. The class openings will vary each day, but I expect you to come ready to work.
C LASSROOM G UIDELINES G UIDELINE #2 Bring ALL books and materials (pencils or pens, binder, etc) to class and take them when you leave. Ms. Degenshein is NOT a Staples.
C LASSROOM G UIDELINES G UIDELINE #3 Follow directions the first time they are given. How will I get your attention? Clap? Suggestions?
C LASSROOM G UIDELINES G UIDELINE #4 Clean up after yourselves! We will be doing many labs and activities but that means we will be working with different materials. Ms. Degenshein is not your maid. You will lose participation points if you do not keep your area clean.
C LASSROOM G UIDELINES G UIDELINE #5 Treat Ms. Degenshein with respect. Ms. Degenshein will always treat you with respect. Treat your fellow classmates with respect. Do not speak when Ms. Degenshein or another classmate is speaking. Give an example of treating someone with respect.
C LASSROOM G UIDELINES G UIDELINE #6 Electronic devices are NOT to be used IN CLASS. OFF and AWAY If I see them, I WILL take them.
C LASSROOM G UIDELINES G UIDELINE #7 Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the EHS handbook.
C LASSROOM G UIDELINES G UIDELINE #8 NO CHEATING If you are caught cheating on ANY assignment, you will receive a grade of 0 and a call or home. Cheating is my #1 pet peeve. I am always available for extra help if you feel you do not understand the material. Please do not resort to cheating, you are only cheating yourself!
N OT FOLLOWING GUIDELINES WILL RESULT IN : 1 st offense: Warning I will write your name on the board. Accept the warning and change your behavior! 2nd offense: After School Detention I will write a check next to your name on the board. Please see me after class to schedule your detention. 3 rd offense: Formal Write-Up I will cross out your name on the front board and complete a formal write-up after class. You can expect a call or home as well. (Please don’t make me write you up, it’s obnoxious).
O NE LAST THOUGHT ABOUT DISCIPLINE Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (or property of other students or myself), or is disrespectful (as defined by me) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY. Give some examples of behaviors that will get you sent to the office.
C LASSROOM G UIDELINES S PECIAL G UIDELINE You are 9 th graders now. This classroom is a “No Whining Zone.” That means there will be no whining for ANY reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest.
W HAT I WANT OUR CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT TO BE. I want my students to feel comfortable taking risks! Ask questions! If we are all respectful of each other, no one will feel shy about voicing their questions or concerns. I care about your opinion! Throughout the year, I will be giving you surveys about our class, or informally asking your opinions of activities, work, etc. Be honest. Your opinions of the class really do matter to me and I will take them into consideration. Classroom discussions are very important to me. Do not be afraid to respectfully stop me during lecture for a question or relevant comment.
R EMEMBER “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We are all meant to shine. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.“ -Marianne Williamson I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it too.
YOUR EXPECTATIONS What do you expect of Ms. Degenshein as a teacher?