Alpha Epsilon Delta The Pre-Professional Co-Ed Health Care Honor Society Virginia Tech Delta Chapter
EXECUTIVE BOARD President: Christine Lienau Vice President: Brandon Rodgers Treasurer: Zachary Kemp Secretary: Molly Hilt Member Relations: Derrick Griggs
Leadership Service Haleigh Hixson Robert Postlethwaite Golzar Yazdanshenas Social Taylor Lewis Amy Wells Kate Bukovec
Leadership Speaker / Open House Elyse White Fundraising Joey Roesch Erin Lim Relay For Life Callie Beegle Webmaster Annie Brezovec
Mission Statement Alpha Epsilon Delta is the National Health Pre- professional Honor Society dedicated to the encouragement and recognition of excellence in pre-professional health scholarship, including medicine, dentistry, veterinary, and others. The Society welcomes ALL students engaged in the pursuit of a professional healthcare career. AED offers opportunities for intellectual and professional development, provides a forum for students with common interests, and extends a program of service to benefit the college and university community.
Meeting Rules Use of phones and computers is NOT permitted
Membership Attendance at 8 out of 11 meetings is required. In other words, you are only allowed to miss 3 meetings. A minimum of 5 service points are required. Attendance at 3 planned socials. Application & Dues: Dues (Non-Refundable) $50 yearly OR $30 each semester Check or money order – NO CASH PLEASE Applications New Members: Application PLUS Short Answer Questions Old Members: Just Application
Event Rules Must give service/social chairs reasonable notice if you cannot attend an event you signed up for. Failure to do so will result in the deduction of a point
Inactive Membership Inactive membership is for those that cannot attend weekly meetings due to time conflicts with class or work. Thus, inactive membership allows you to be exempt from the Monday night meetings. In order to be granted inactive status you must bring in a documented excuse that clearly shows why you cannot meet at 7 PM on Monday nights. Must send in application to Molly Hilt with documentation for excuse. Please write “inactive” in top right corner of application You may only be an inactive member for one semester. Attendance at 5 service events and 3 planned socials is still required.
Application Deadline Located on the AED website! Application due at September 28 th meeting to Molly Hilt Interviews for new members will take place the following week Dues must be turned in by the October 12 th meeting to Zach Kemp Please include your name on the check or money order
Probation/Dismissal Attendance Don’t meet attendance requirements during a semester? Dismissed from the organization (No “rolling over”) Service/Social Don’t meet attendance requirements in the Fall? Points roll-over to the Spring but “On Probation” Have to make up missed points from the Fall semester IN ADDITION TO the required points for the Spring semester Don’t meet attendance requirements in the Spring? Dismissed from the organization
Pre-Health Advising Ms. Carol Robinson Pre-Health Advising Sessions: Twice per week in the Smith Career Center - Online registration required, there will be specific sessions for Freshmen/Sophomores and Juniors/Seniors. Check the Office of Pre-Health Advising website frequently for dates and times. Pre-Health Folder: Opened during your undergraduate career - contains your resume, letters of recommendation, copies of your personal statement, a photo, and a list of any medical experiences you have had Campus Interviews: Conducted by the Health Professions Committee in the spring of junior year (March-May)
Upcoming Social Sports day Saturday September 26 th 1pm Led by Amy Wells Location: Soccer fields by parking services
Upcoming Social Movie Night September 28 th after the meeting Bring a snack to share for an extra point Led by Taylor Lewis Litton Reaves 1860
Upcoming Social Ice Cream and Jeopardy September 29 th 7-8pm 25 members max Led by Amy Wells Litton Reaves 1860
Upcoming Service Events Develop Africa September 21 st and 28 th meetings Collecting NEW school supplies 3 items for a maximum of 1 point Haleigh Hixson
Upcoming Service Events Pointe West Club Thursday September 24 th 10am-11am; meet at math emporium 9:45 Pointe West Club is a day support program for adults with developmental disabilities. Activities we will do with the members are designed to help enhance their motor skills and will vary from crafting to cooking to playing games with them. No cap Haleigh Hixson
Upcoming Service Events Heritage Hall Bingo Night Friday September 25 th 2:30-3:15; Meet at 2 in the Wallace Lot 12 people max Rob Postlethwaite
Ongoing Service Events Micah’s Backpack Contact Golzar Humane Society To sign up: Members can receive a maximum of two points during each semester by volunteering at the humane society (are one hour shifts). After volunteering, they will need to tell the coordinators that they are here for Alpha Epsilon Delta, after which they will receive the necessary form. Haleigh Hixon
AED Apparel Long Sleeve: $5 Short sleeve/v-neck: $5 Crewneck: $7
This Week's Speaker: Brian Hadden Princeton review representative
Attendance Cards Please Write: Name Student ID number Signature