1 “Let God Lead” Church Spending Planning 6/24/09 H. Dodd DRAFT 4 6/12/09
2 How much does your church income change: Weekly? Weekly? Monthly? Monthly?
3 Church Financial Planning “Let God Lead” Purpose: (to present) Purpose: (to present) Biblical principles for financial planning for a church family. Biblical principles for financial planning for a church family. Concept for applying biblical principles to financial planning for a church family. Concept for applying biblical principles to financial planning for a church family. Process for planning using this concept. Process for planning using this concept. Benefits Benefits Introduce Aaron & Hur Ministries Introduce Aaron & Hur Ministries Offer budget planning and execution coaching assistance to churches. Offer budget planning and execution coaching assistance to churches. Desired outcome: Desired outcome: To make contacts for further probe opportunities for A&H Ministries to serve. To make contacts for further probe opportunities for A&H Ministries to serve.
4 Biblical Principles for Financial Planning for a Church Prov. 22:3 ~ “The prudent man foreseeth …” Our Responsibility ~ Our Responsibility ~ Plan as best as we can. (Prov. 16:9) Plan as best as we can. (Prov. 16:9) Be faithful stewards. (I Cor. 4:2; Luke 16:10) Be faithful stewards. (I Cor. 4:2; Luke 16:10) Ask God to do what we cannot do. Ask God to do what we cannot do. ( Phil. 4:6; James 1:5; James 4:2) ( Phil. 4:6; James 1:5; James 4:2) God’s Part ~ God’s Part ~ Ownership (Ps. 24:1) Ownership (Ps. 24:1) Provision (Matt. 6:33) Provision (Matt. 6:33) Control (I Chron. 29:11) Control (I Chron. 29:11) Directs our steps (Prov. 16:9) Directs our steps (Prov. 16:9)
5 “Let God Lead” Concept How God put this process in my mind: How God put this process in my mind: Planned two budgets. Planned two budgets. Planned three budgets. Planned three budgets. Less – Needs – “Grace” Less – Needs – “Grace” More – Wants – “Blessing” More – Wants – “Blessing” Much more – Desires – “Abundant” Much more – Desires – “Abundant”
6 The Process for Developing “Let God Lead” Spending Plans Determine the yearly average undesignated income. Determine the yearly average undesignated income. Review the yearly current spending. Review the yearly current spending. Set three targets based on the present income. Set three targets based on the present income. Request proposed projects with cost and which budget they fit. Request proposed projects with cost and which budget they fit. Compile input for deacons & members. Compile input for deacons & members. With God’s wisdom, review the proposed budget and revise. With God’s wisdom, review the proposed budget and revise. Propose spending for each line item for each budget. Propose spending for each line item for each budget.
7 More Details for How to See Back-up
8 Benefits of “Let God Lead” It provides a basis for orderly decision making: It provides a basis for orderly decision making: for surplus for surplus for opportunities to learn to trust God for opportunities to learn to trust God to prevent misunderstandings and conflict to prevent misunderstandings and conflict It encourages good stewardship. It encourages good stewardship. It helps givers see that God’s money is being managed with prayerful thought. It helps givers see that God’s money is being managed with prayerful thought. All members have an opportunity to participate: All members have an opportunity to participate: by providing input to the plan by providing input to the plan by giving to determine which budget will be used by giving to determine which budget will be used It provides a good example for families to emulate. It provides a good example for families to emulate.
9 Questions? Comments?
10 Back-up Details of How To
11 Determine the yearly average undesignated income.
13 Review the yearly current spending.
15 Set 3 budget targets based on the present income. GraceBlessingAbundant __%__%__%
16 Set 3 budget targets based on the present income. Less – Needs – “Grace” 95% Less – Needs – “Grace” 95% More – Wants – “Blessing” 110% More – Wants – “Blessing” 110% Much more – Desires –“Abundant” 125% Much more – Desires –“Abundant” 125%
17 Request proposed projects with costs and which budget they fit.
Budget Suggested Input Proposed Budget Input Item (Describe what you are proposing) Proposed By Deacon Responsible Budget Line Number Priority (Grace, Blessing or Abundant) Amount ($) Ceiling fans in auditoriumPastor Luke JohnW/ roof projectBlessing TBD 501(c)3Pastor LukeDave 1559Grace$1000 est. ProjectorPastor LukeJim1555 Grace$1300 New carpet for the hall JohnPaul1627Blessing$2200 New 15 passenger van JimChuck1589Abundant$29,000
19 Compile all input.
20 With God’s wisdom, review the proposed budget and revise.
21 Second Proposed Spending Plan for Grace BUDGET (Yearly)GraceBlessing Super Abundance Expense 1501 · Pastoral Staff Salaries$67, ,02477,07887, · Church Staff Salaries21, , · Advertising & Promotion0.0002, · Alarm Security System · Bank & Service Charge Fees · Books, CDs & Tapes · Capital Improvements0.004, · Children's Ministry ,2001, · Cleaning/Maintenance · Couples Ministry (Young) · Computer Repairs/Supplies ,200
22 Compare with targets Undesignated income:$194,114 Percent of 2008 undesignated income 94%109%118% Targets: 95%110%125% Required 2008 Weekly Undesignated Income: $3, $ 4, $4,389.16
23 Propose spending for each line item for each budget. Distribute the proposed spending plan one week before the business meeting. Distribute the proposed spending plan one week before the business meeting. Offer to answer questions. Offer to answer questions. Request additional input. Request additional input. Present the proposed spending plan at the business meeting. Present the proposed spending plan at the business meeting. Request suggestions again. Request suggestions again. Approve plan. Approve plan. Opportunity to vote again each week. Opportunity to vote again each week.
24 Monitoring “Let God Lead” Spending Plans
26 Managing “Let God Lead” Spending Plans Prioritize projects within each budget. Prioritize projects within each budget. Track trends. Track trends. Adjust spending as appropriate. Adjust spending as appropriate. Put aside funds for use in the current or next year. Put aside funds for use in the current or next year.
27 Questions? Comments?
28 Aaron & Hur Ministries Mission & Vision MISSION (Why we exist & what we hope to accomplish) To make ourselves available to come alongside pastors to help them and the church they shepherd in biblical financial management, church business administration, and strategic planning. VISION Serving and ministering to biblically- minded pastors by investing in and training leaders who can then support them by relieving them of administrative duties so that they can give themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word.
29 Aaron & Hur Ministries Our Passion To be used of God to lead people and churches to be financially free to serve God. To be used of God to lead people and churches to be financially free to serve God. To see families and churches handle money so well that those around them would ask the reason for the hope that is in them. To see families and churches handle money so well that those around them would ask the reason for the hope that is in them.
30 Aaron & Hur Ministries What We Offer Interactive Financial Bible Studies Interactive Financial Bible Studies For various age groups and levels of spiritual maturity. For various age groups and levels of spiritual maturity. Personal Finance, Debt / Budget Coaching Personal Finance, Debt / Budget Coaching Budget development and discipline - Debt repayment Budget development and discipline - Debt repayment Pre-marital budget counseling and training Pre-marital budget counseling and training Budget Coach training Budget Coach training
31 Aaron & Hur Ministries What We Offer (continued) Church Administration Church Administration (To help train/develop people to assist the pastor in administrative responsibilities.) Church budget planning coaching Church budget planning coaching Shepherd support coaching Shepherd support coaching Church strategic planning facilitation Church strategic planning facilitation Church building planning and project management coaching Church building planning and project management coaching Church benevolence management policy development Church benevolence management policy development Meeting facilitation coaching Meeting facilitation coaching
32 Aaron & Hur Ministry Contact HARRY and LYNNE DODD 127 Tamarack Avenue Morton, Illinois Cell: 309/ Res: 309/