Chapter 12: The Crisis of the Later Middle Ages iMater Academy AP European History Ms. Blank
Chapter 12 John Green – The Dark Ages: (watch to 4:05)
Key Terms/Concepts: Black Death Reactions to BD Economics of BD Peasant Revolts 100 Years War Scholasticism
Black Death: Hit Italy first (Sicily) 1347 ◦ France: 1348 ◦ England: 1349 ◦ Eastern Europe & Russia: 1351 Started in Asia w/ Mongol invasions Spread by fleas on black rats Rats came to Europe on ships; diffused through trade routes throughout Europe
“A man suffering from buboes and splotches”
Black Death: Famine killed 10% of population during 1 st ¼ of 14 th Century ¼ population dead (estimates range from 25% - 33%) Major outbreaks in & 1369 Little outbreaks until end of 15 th century
Reactions to BD: Sent by God as a punishment Caused by the Devil Flagellants—attempted to repent for man’s sins ◦ Some killed Jews ◦ Went around whipping themselves in public squares Armageddon Anti-Semitism ◦ Jews blamed for plague
“Procession of the Flagellants”
“The Black Death in a European town”
Economics of BD: Labor shortage Prices fell Aristocratic income drops 20% (England) Aristocratic position goes down Peasant position goes up Manor system weakened Taxes went up
Peasant Revolts: 1358 ◦ France ◦ Known as the Jacquerie 1381 ◦ England ◦ Known as English Peasant Revolt of 1381 Other revolts throughout Europe ◦ 1382 & 1378
English Peasant Revolt of 1381: Jean Froissart's 'Chronicles 15 th Century
100 Years War: Key Causes Both English & French Royalty descended from William of Normandy ◦ Norman Conquest 1066 English royalty were vassals to French Kings based on their titles in France This issue of succession would be a recurring theme
100 Years War: Causes 1259 ◦ Henry III ceded all French territory back to France, except Germany Moron! His father was just as stupid!! King John, lost Normandy & Anjou 14 th Century ◦ Right of Succession dispute with French king (Philip VI) Both Edward III & Philip VI had claim to throne ◦ Edward III refused homage to French king ◦ Philip VI seized Gascony (controlled by England at this point) ◦ England declared war
100 Years War: Key Battles ◦ Battle of Poitiers English victory ◦ Peace of Bretigny Ransom of captured French king (he was a loser) Had to give into England’s demands Results ◦ End of English attempts to control continental territory ◦ Beginning of English focus on maritime supremacy ◦ Huge advances in military technology and science ◦ Establishment of professional standing armies
100 Years War: 100 Years War: Battle of Crécy, 1346
100 Years War: Modern artist’s depiction Pat Nicolle
100 Years War: Battle of Agincourt (1415)
Scholasticism: Intellectual model of MA’s Championed by Peter Abelard & Thomas Aquinas Key Ideas ◦ Faith & reason can be reconciled and work together ◦ Use of philosophical knowledge in explaining and defending the truths of faith ◦ Empirical observations not important ◦ Written by & for clergy