American history “test your knowledge” Mr. Martell Get no more than TWO answers wrong on this test and you will receive a free homework/class work pass.
1.) What are the colors of the American flag? 2.) How many stars are there on the American flag? 3.) How many stripes are there on the American flag? 4.) What do the stars on the American flag represent? 5.) What do the stripes on the American flag represent? 6.) On what date do Americans celebrate Independence Day? 7.) What country did America fight in the American Revolution? 8.) Who was the first President of the United States? 9.) Who was the 16 th President of the United States?
10.) Who is the current President of the United States? 11.) Who is the current Vice President of the United States? 12.) If the President and Vice President both die in office, who would be sworn in as the next president? (Job title, not person) 13.) Who elects the President of the United States? 14.) How long is one Presidential term in office? 15.) What document is called “the supreme law of the land?” 16.) How many branches are there in our government? 17.) What are the two parts of Congress? 18.) Name one of the two senators from Pennsylvania. 19.) What is the capitol of Pennsylvania? 20.) What is Pennsylvania’s nickname? 21.) What was the first official US State? 22.) Who wrote the “Star-Spangled Banner?”
23.) Who said “give me liberty or give me death?” 24.) Who won the War Between the States? 25.) Who is the current governor of the State of Pennsylvania? 26.) Who is the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? 27.) Name TWO countries that were our enemies in World War II. 28.) What was the 49 th official US State? 29.) What was the 50 th official US State? Bonus: Name the 13 original colonies. (Hint: They are all on the East Coast).