TEMPLATE DESIGN © OBSERVATIONAL STUDY ON COMPARISON OF SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS AND ETHNICITY IN WOMEN DELIVERING IN HOSPITAL SULTANAH AMINAH, JOHOR BAHRU, MALAYSIA Lim Y.C., Faisol Mihat, Woon S.Y., Quek Y.S., Eliza M. Noor, Ravichandran J. Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, Malaysia Objectives ResultsConclusions References 1. National Obstetric Registry, Clinical Research Center, Hospital Sultanah Aminah From our study, our data shows that Malay population prefer a larger family size compared to the other races as suggested by the percentage of grandmultiparas. The Chinese ethnicity have a better socio-economic status, healthier BMI and the highest low risk colour coding. The Chinese population prefer a smaller family size as suggested by the very small grandmultiparas. The Indian population have the highest number of obese and non white coding patients which makes them high risk group to go through a pregnancy. Therefore in our multi-religion, multi- cultural and multi-ethnicity population, obstetric outcomes are not solely depending on obstetric risks but ethnicity as well plays a major role in our population. It would be timely to revise these obstetric risks based on different ethnic population in our practice. Results Table 1 concludes the comparison in sociodemographic aspects between Malay, Chinese and Indian population delivering in Hospital Sultanah Aminah. Table 1. Demographic Characteristics of Malaysian Population in different Ethnic groups Data presented as mean ± SD or n (%). * Non-significant Methods Retrospective observational study on the difference among the various ethnicities in those delivering in one of the largest maternity unit in Malaysia from January to December Samples were obtained from National Obstetric Registry and demographic data were analyzed with SPSS. Results Total of women delivered. Malaysian citizens made up a total of (91.3%) while total non-citizen women are 1088 (8.7%). Among the citizens, majority are Malay 8060 (70.4%), Chinese 1876 (16.4%), Indian 1052 (9.2%) and others 441 (3.9%). (Figure 1) Characteristics Malay (n = 8060) Chinese (n = 1876) Indian (n = 1052) P- value Maternal Age (years) ± ± ± 5.14 NS* Weight (kg) ± ± ± NS* Height (centimetre) ± ± ± 7.14 NS* Short Stature (≤ 145cm)349 (4.3)39 (2.1)45 (4.3)<0.001 BMI (kg/m 2 ) ± ± ± 9.03 Overweight (>30 kg/m 2 )1585 (19.7)188 (10.0)221 (21.0)<0.001 Parity 1.5 ± ± ± 1.36 Grandmultipara413 (5.1)18 (1.0)28 (2.7)<0.001 Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) ± ± ± NS* Diastolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) ± ± ± 8.61 NS* Rhesus Negative62 (0.8)18 (1.0)49 (4.7)<0.001 Single Marital Status243 (3.0)66 (3.5)43 (4.1)0.31 Combined Social Income0.002 Less than RM 1, (7.2)114 (6.1)76 (7.2) RM 1,001-RM 3, (53.6)944 (50.3)556 (52.9) RM 3,001-RM 5, (11.8)249 (13.3)99 (9.4) Risk Coding<0.001 White1303 (16.2)390 (20.8)106 (10.1) Green4859 (60.3)1074 (57.2)704 (66.9) Yellow1018 (12.6)242 (12.9)158 (15.0) Red356 (4.4)55 (2.9)44 (4.2) Malaysia is a multi-racial country with 3 major races being Malay, Chinese and Indian population. Pregnancy outcome has always been based on obstetrical risks from previous pregnancies or current pregnancy regardless on the ethnicity. This study aims to compare ethnicity and the socio-demographic aspect in the pregnant population Oldest maternal age is 49 and the youngest age is 13 as shown in Figure 2.