Betsy Ross Betsy Ross lived her days sewing curtains, couch cushions, and a lot more. By Karley Gordon book Betsy Ross Auther Vicki Cox
B e t s y G r i s c o m e w a s b o r n o n J a n u a r y 1, i n W e s t J e r s e y, P e n n s y l v a n i a. W h e n S h e w a s t w o h e r f a m i l y m o v e d f r o m w e s t J e r s e y t o P h i l a d e l p h i a. When Betsy was little she was allowed to swing, draw on a slate, cut out paper dolls, but she wasn’t allowed to play with cards. Quakers believed that led to dishonesty. As a Quaker baby Betsy could have played with a rattle, but her mother wouldn’t have sung her to sleep at night. Quakers thought music provided no intellectual improvements and inspired corrupt thoughts. Instrumental music was forbidden. Some Quakers even refused to whistle. Child hood days
Intresting fact from Betsy's childhood. At Quaker meetings the kids were put at a special section with one of the parent’s supervising them. If they yawn rub there feet stretch bite there nails, or brought attention to themselves they would have been removed from the gallery or whipped. Betsy Ross was 9 out of 17 children, and they all went to the Quaker meetings and had to be quiet.
1773 Betsy Griscome marries John Ross, and in1776 John Ross dies in an explosion on January 21. Soon after that George Washington asked Betsy Ross to make a new flag. George Washington said he wants the stars to be six pointed and wanted it to be squared. Betsy said that it would be easier to have it five pointed and the flag should be rectangular because it will fly better, so he thought it was a good idea.
1777 Betsy’s flag became the official flag of the united states and Betsy married Joseph Ashburn Betsy Ross Mrs. Mary Pickersgill Betsy made the first American flag Mrs. Mary made a flag that was 30 ft by 42 ft large It was made out of 1,200 feet of wool the fifteen stars were 2 feet across the stripes were 2 feet wide and had 1,700,000 stitches. Two years later Betsy Ross and Joseph Ashburn had a daughter and her name is Lucilla and she was born on a September 15. Two more years later they had another daughter and her name was Eliza. One year later Joseph dies in an English prison leaving her with Lucilla and Eliza.
1783 Betsy Ross marries John Claypool on May 8 th, and then they had another daughter Clarrisa on April 3 rd and a year later the had another daughter and her name was Susan and she was born on November 15 th daughter Harriet was born on December 20 th and that was the last of them John Claypool dies on August 3 rd leaving her with 5 children to take care of. Betsy Ross then dies on January 30th Interesting fact One of the punishments if you got in trouble they would strip you down put tar on your whole body and then they will coat you with a lot of feathers and then they will hold a lighted candle over you so you will catch on fire. That is called tar and feathering.
Betsy Kind, creative, outgoing Lover of 5 daughters Who feels she’s important Who needs more needles and thread Who gives joy and laughter Who fears she did a bad job who would like to see everyone admiring her flag Ross
Betsy retired from her shop and gave it to her niece and sister and she went to live with her sister Susan and her husband and there son William Canby who told it all. Her house