American Symbols
American Flag Betsy Ross made the first American Flag. The flag has 50 stars.
Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance is a promise of loyalty to the United States
4 Statue of Liberty New York The seven spikes on the crown represent the light of liberty shining on the seven seas and continents. The torch stands for lighting the way to freedom. The tablet (book) shows the date the Declaration of Independence was signed.
5 Mount Rushmore South Dakota Honors George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. Faces are about 60 feet tall. About 400 workers help build the monument.
6 Liberty Bell Pennsylvania Rang in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed. It is a symbol for freedom, or liberty Rang for many years until it cracked in 1835.
7 Washington Monument Washington D.C. Built to remember our 1 st president, George Washington. Honors George Washington as the Father of Our Country. It is about 555 feet tall and has a pointed top.
The Bald Eagle The Bald Eagle is our national bird. It symbolizes strength and freedom.
National Anthem We sing the Star-Spangled Banner to show our patriotism, or love for our country.
The White House Washington D.C. The President of the United States lives and works here.