Stands for “Search Engine Optimization” Process of improving “visibility” of a web site to search engines in order to help search ranking Attracts more visitors to your website
Site Architecture LinkingContent
Site Architecture LinkingContent Site Architecture The foundation of SEO - Search Engines rely on links to crawl the web and organize its content, the architecture of our site is critical to SEO optimization.
Site Architecture LinkingContent Content is King! Having quality custom content on our website is more important than ever. Creating content tailored to our market needs can address our customers' expectations and set us apart from the crowd. Keyword research and on page optimization is critical to our success.
Site Architecture LinkingContent Internal & External Linking Internal linking is defined as linking to resources that are inside our website. External linking is defined as obtaining inbound links originating from outside our website. External links build link popularity which helps our pages rank.
URL: What are some S.E.O. improvements can we make to this page?
URL: Consider keywords associated with your target audience and use those terms in the site architecture: Instead of:.. /08x3.htm Consider:../bmw/2008-x3-sport-package-navigation.htm
URL: Consider content and keywords on the page. Again, make sure they are relevant to your target audience. Use tools like Google Keyword tool to tell you how keywords rank.Google Keyword tool Use Firefox plugins like SEO Quake to count all your keywords to analyze how search engines “see” your pagesSEO Quake
URL: Currently this portal removes sold inventory pages when a car is sold. Why not create a site map with all previously sold vehicles so Google can aggregate these results toward your overall search rank? Why not link to your partners that are in the same business?
Focus on Architecture, Content, & Linking when planning your site and optimizing for S.E.O. Use free tools to help analyze your site and see where improvements can be made Don’t remove pages. Instead, make sure Google can find all your relevant pages through the use of linking modules. You are competing with every other portal out there for search rank, make sure you understand how ranking is achieved and how to influence it!