Agbiotech Vietnam Activities in 2010 and plan for 2011 Presented by Mr. Tran Minh Thao On behalf of AG BIOTECH VIETNAM
Agbiotech Vietnam Vietnam Biotech Current Status Strongly support by Government (from central to local) and from scientist community. VN in request of strongly adoption of GM crops in the context of changing climate. Vietnam has not meet its target of commercializing some GM crops by 2011 (under National program of applying biotechnology in Agriculture and Rural development until 2020). Following the approval Decree regulating risk asessement of GM crops in field in Vietnam in 27th Oct 2009 (in which Vietnam will apply only 3 GM crops: cotton, soybean, maize). In 2 nd half year of 2010, some new Government’s Decisions have been released (Decree No. 69/2010/ND-CP dated 21st June 2010 on bio-safety for genetically modified crops, genetic samples and products of genetically modified crops; Decree No. 61/2010/ND-CP dated 04th June 2010 on investment policies for businessman in agriculture and rural areas) that important regulations facilitate for Agbiotech application in Vietnam and also that require more activities to increase the knowledge of public of biotechnology.
Agbiotech Vietnam Vietnam Biotech Current Status In Addition development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has urged for soon adoption of GM crops for feed industry. As an Agriculture country but each year Vietnam imported of more than 1 million tons of maize, more than 1.5 million tons of soybean for feed. Biotech maize and soybean therefore has been consider as a solution for Vietnam feed industry in order to reduce the trade deficit and feed cost. The current results for contained trials of biotech crops (maize) in Vietnam has showed good results and bring potential for soon applying them in field. Our activities: Making biotech information available in local languages, setting up programs to raise awareness of biotech in agriculture (or called by Vietnamese Media for Agbiotech Vietnam Director – Mr. Le Tien as The transporter of biotech information), and therefore facilitate for adoption of GM crops in Vietnam.
Agbiotech Vietnam Normal Activities such as: Website development and biotech information distribution activities. Our website ( is a bilingual website with number of visitors are increasing: Average numbers of 30, visitors/month in
Publications: Biotech book, K-pockets translation, crops biotech update translation…. - Trying to compose one biotech book each year. Following our publication in 2009, with titled “Legal status and regulations of developing Biotechnology in Agriculture in Vietnam”, in 2010 we continue to publish biotech book titled “Plant biotechnology in the world agriculture and in Vietnam” The book gives a brief overview of the role of plant biotechnology in the development of agriculture in the world and in Vietnam. As well as help readers understand the policy of Vietnam’s Government on the application of biotechnology for the development of agriculture in our country. - Biotech books (in Vietnamese) are in need in Vietnam and until now we have published 04 Biotech books. This activity need to be increase (volume, quality and diversity) to let public know more about this field. Agbiotech Vietnam
Agbiotech Vietnam -Continue to our Biotech Program on Radio The Voice of Vietnam (one program/month – duration 10 minutes in Agriculture Program and New innovation). Through the frequently radio program, Vietnamese audience more farmiliar with “biotech crops” and theirs benefits, promoting public access to biotech knowledge, specially in poor and removal area.
Agbiotech Vietnam Workshops in 2010: Workshop 1 for Libraries and using internet for Agri-biotech communication in Vietnam. Participated in by the media, representatives from the Information Centers of various ministries, public libraries across the country, various library staff and scientific researchers, the workshop highlighted the strategies that libraries offer to bring advanced agricultural science and technologies closer to the farmers. There were also recommendations on linkage and partnership among district and provincial libraries to expedite the knowledge sharing process. (Pictures: Hanoi workshop)
Agbiotech Vietnam Workshop 2: Workshop for local agricultural officials in Hoa Binh province (a Northern province) on Dec 24th 2010 which highly appreciated by provincial leaders and stakeholders in province, where in need of this kind of biotech awareness raising. (Pictures: HoaBinh workshop)
Agbiotech Vietnam Others activities: To publish or translate some of ISAAA/KC publications for Vietnamese readers (translation of reports of global status of GM crops, Knowledge pockets....) Provide Vietnam biotech news for foreign readers by its regular contribution to Crop biotech update Serve as Biotech information Network for current science-based information on agricultural biotechnology in Vietnam Assisting ISAAA in other works in Vietnam
Agbiotech Vietnam Experiences in sharing information Agbiotech Vietnam’s Plan for Continue information distribution activities (translate CBU into Vietnamese and Disseminate Agbiotech information through web and ) -Continue Biotech Program on Radio -Workshops (01 or 02 workshops) -Monthly crops biotech Bulletin in Vietnamese (like picture) to commute libraries (which now 5,000 units in nationwide).
Agbiotech Vietnam Experiences in sharing information Some challenges to Agbiotech Vietnam : Late and reduced in budget allocation, late in money transfer (event for quarterly) for BIC activities, that affect to our long-term plan activities. Budget limited for promoting and implementing activities (in conditions of high inflation in Vietnam). Lack of field visit to facilitate for information dissermination activities. As “seeing is believing”, better have field visit trips for key stakeholders The current internet infrastructure and Government regulations for preventing spam mail causing difficulty for transmission line and information distribution activities from internet. Sending through are not always welcome as compare with direct accessing to website or using radio. Therefore it’s difficulty for us to meet target of ISAAA for address.
Some AgbiotechVN activities and covered by Media
Agbiotech Vietnam Experiences in sharing information THANK YOU AG BIOTECH VIETNAM Address: 12B – Lot 13B – Trung Yen 11 Road, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: Fax: / Website: