ARC Website. Mile High View ARC Portal Summary Highlights 2004 ALMIS Dba Survey 2005 ALMIS Dba Survey ARC Portal Development On the Horizon.


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Presentation transcript:

ARC Website

Mile High View ARC Portal Summary Highlights 2004 ALMIS Dba Survey 2005 ALMIS Dba Survey ARC Portal Development On the Horizon

Portal Summary Repeat Visitors Page Views Hits Days of the Week States Downloads Browsers

And the Survey says…… Seminar used to gather features and new products for development No dissatisfied or very dissatisfied Navigation Results were surprising Navigation- Decision to keep what works

Requested Features and Products StatusTypeRequest Done Feature Process Feature Continue communication. Keep the website up-to-date. Have a front page area with data sets known to be updated that month…… DoneFeature Products …….More, more, more..of everything. Done Feature Products Feature Add new Statement of Work- When available. Information on EMPDB contract status, allowed uses, etc. Keep providing current publications or presentations.

And the New Survey says……. Moved double digits up in satisfaction Continued to have no dissatisfied or very dissatisfied Moved up in navigation Roughly comparable to 2004 survey due to wording change Navigation remains very high

Features and New Products Requested Next Year StatusTypeRequest RemovedProductTo have a area where DBA's can post questions for other DBA's to see if they have encountered similar problems. DoneFeature, FAQ Keep answering questions. DoneProcess, Monthly meetings Continue providing resources. ReadyProcess, resource allocation Continue the great work. No ActionKeep doing what you are doing.

Website Specific Requested Features and New Products StatusTypeRequest Moved to ARC Category ProductWhen the 2005 employer database was released, it came out in version 2.3. However, some states have not yet converted from 2.2 to 2.3. It would have been useful if the website had a crosswalk between the two version for the employer database so that states could still update their online apps. DevelopmentFeaturePDF files of the various data dictionaries, that is fully bookmarked. PDF's load faster and are easier to use than the Word docs. Under Consideration ProductOnline tutorials for step by step management and data manipulation on new DB engines. ReadyFeatureMonthly newsletter of website updates. Nothing extravagant, just a list. DoneFixYou have one old Meeting Summary on the "Communicate" page. I kept expecting a new one, but it never came. Either move them all from "About Us" to "Communicate" or take the old one off of "Communicate". Minor suggestion.

Website Specific Requested Features and New Products, cont. StatusTypeRequest DevelopmentProduct…I would like to see rss, xml and xslt solutions, perhaps a basic framework of an open source web site where xml is generated from the database and xslt is supplied to render the pages. States would be free to change skins, xslt processing whatever. I think apache cocoon would make a nice example or coldfusion. No Actionnothing in mind right now No Actionn/a No ActionDon't know No ActionCan't think of anything at the moment.

2004 Comments The ARC web site is GREAT!!! I have yet to look for ALMIS Db information and not find it. I also use your front page links to save time. I realize how time consuming web site updates can be. However, I’d like to see something new at least once a week. People won’t keep going back to the site if it says the same thing for months in a row. I like the mini survey questions on the left side of the pages. I like the new ALMIS db website. It has good information (such as the SQL primer) and I like the links- both at the front (i.e.home) page and for the states. If possible when putting together the list of ALMIS Database administrators is we could also add the following: Type of Internet Program…. …..Keep up the GREAT work!! We appreciate all that you do to make our jobs easier. Thank you.

2005 comments The website has keep me informed for the employer database changes, plus all other announcement and changes to the database are in one location. Provided news and information concerning version updates and contacts. Provided good resources. The web site is a great source for help and new information. The training manual available from the website has been helpful as well as the links to other states pages. It has given me a good idea of how things should be set up. Meeting highlights are very useful Links to questions - answers to questions or to resources It has kept me up-to-date on the latest information on what is in the ALMIS Database. I have used the state application links to see what everyone else is doing. Answered many questions concerning the Employer database.

On The Horizon