EO UNDERSTAND UNIT ORGANIZATION OCdt Schultz Red Star Handbook page 2-5
Introduction n Tonight we will explore unit organization so that you understand the chain of command and how to follow it
A cadet Corps is made up of different components with different responsibilities n Headquarters section (CO and DCO) n Administration section (AdmO, PersO, FinO) n Training section (Trg0, OpsO, LHQO) n Supply section (SupO, ClothingO, FTXO) n Support section (PIO, BandO) n A Company of Cadets (RSM, CSM, PWO, Section Cmdrs)
HQ - Commanding Officer n The CO is responsible for the safety, security and conduct of all officers and cadets. n CO - Capt Wood n DCO - Lt Libby
Administration section n Makes sure all the paper work is completed ie. Applications, camp forms, mail etc. n AdmO - Lt Libby n PersO - CV Humble n FinO - CV Jesson
Training section n Responsible for the training program n TrgO - Lt Sun n OpsO - Ocdt Morris n LHQO - 2Lt Bell n Star Level Training Officers
Supply section n Responsible for issuing uniforms, equipment and maintaining all corps supplies n SupO - 2Lt Stubbs n ClothingO - CV Choate n FTXO - OCdt Schultz
Support section n Responsible for items not generally handled by Trg, Adm, or Sup ie. Public relations and recruiting etc. n PIO - 2Lt Peterson n BandO - CI Sun n UDI - Sgt Downey n RLO - Lt Beauchamp
The Company of Cadets The company of cadets is composed of: n The RSM n The CSM n Platoons with Platoon Cmdrs n Sections with Section Cmdrs
The RSM n Responsible for everything relating to drill, discipline, the NCO’s, esprit-de-corps, and supervision of cadets n RSM - CWO Bedford
The CSM n Responsible for the discipline, dress, and deportment of the company n CSM - ? n A company is composed of 2-3 platoons
Platoon WO n Responsible for their platoon n 1 PL WO - ? n 2 PL WO - ? n 1 PL + 2 PL comprise the company
Section Cmdrs n Responsible for their sections n Usually a Sgt or MCpl n 2IC is a MCpl or Cpl n A section is comprised of 8-10 cadets
Cadets n Responsible for performing the duties assigned to them by their superiors n Are the members of each section n 8-10 cadets per section n 2-3 sections per platoon n 2-3 platoons per company
2137 RCACC Organization
2137 Cadet Company Organization