Initial Briefing AS OF SY 15-16 Leavenworth JROTC Initial Briefing AS OF SY 15-16
OUR MISSION: To Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens The acronym JROTC means: J-Junior R-Reserve O-Officers T- Training C- Corps Motto: “Primus in Patria” - First in the Nation Slogan: “Others before Ourselves”
BENEFITS OF JROTC 1. 4 Year program 2. 180 hours required per year 1. 4 Year program 2. 180 hours required per year 3. One credit toward graduation each successful semester 4. Scholarship to Colleges and Universities available from all services (see SAI) 5. Appointment to U.S. Military Academy at West Point 6. JROTC is an elective course open to all grade levels. It is an alternative to Sophomore, Junior, or Senior PE. 7. Enlistment in the service one grade higher than those who have not had JROTC. After successful completion of three years individual can enter the service at the rank of E-2. (Recommendation by SAI)
FIVE DEVELOPMENTAL AREAS 1. Citizenship 4. Physical Fitness 2. Leadership 5. Sociability 3. Academics ORGANIZATION JROTC consists of a student-run battalion broken down into six companies, each with two platoons. There are three squads in each platoon.
SPECIAL TEAMS Academic Team Leadership Team Cannon Crew Raiders Academic Team Leadership Team Cannon Crew Raiders Chorus Rifle Team Color Guard Saber Team Drum & Bugle Junior Guard Pioneer Guard Cavalry Angels
SPECIAL TEAMS SPECIAL TEAM ELIGIBILITY: Cadet Command Regulation 145-2, paragraph 3-15 c states that cadets must maintain an acceptable standard of academic achievement and standing. Additionally, paragraph 9-13 states that cadets participating in special teams must have and maintain a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average. If cadets do not meet this requirement, they are not allowed to participate on a special team. This means in order to be on the team the cadet must have achieved a 2.0 or better during the previous semester. Additionally, if a cadet has an F in power school during the current semester, they are not allowed to travel with or compete/perform with the team.
CLASS ROOM PROCEDURES AND CONDUCT -Be on time. -Do not depart classroom without permission by AI/SAI. -Stand by your seat. Do not sit down until told to do so. -No chewing gum. Dispose of gum before entering the JROTC area. -No eating or drinking unless approved by AI/SAI. -When name is called answer “Here” in a strong voice. Utilize proper military courtesy (Sir/Ma’am). - Respect your company leadership -Do not talk unless given permission by person in charge. -No talking when a person is speaking in front of class, if you have a question raise your hand. -Do not write on the desks. -Show respect to everyone. Respect, respect, respect. -Be honest, be reliable, take responsibility for your actions.
GRADING SYSTEM Academics: 25% Uniform: 25% Participation: 20% = 100 points to start than take off the following points Tardy – 2 point Failure to Participate example: PT/DRILL = minus 10 points Evaluation: 10% this is your AI’s evaluation of you. We look at how you are in class, uniform wear do the required community service. Community Service: 20% 10 hours needed by 14 Oct for 100% 10 hours needed by 15 Dec for 100% 10 hours needed by 12 Mar for 100% 10 hours needed by 18 May for 100% NOTE: If you sign up for a community service and do not show, the hours you would have completed will be added to your total requirement for that quarter.
TARDIES Cadets will be next to their seats when the tardy bell rings. On uniform days they will be within the JROTC area, in one of the rooms designated for changing, at the time of the bell. Exception: First-hour students will be in uniform and next to their seats at the time of the bell. On physical training days, students will be in one of three places at the time of the bell: Next to their seats, in a designated changing area (except 1st hour), or in the designated gymnasium for the day. Any cadet not in one of these locations when the bell rings is considered tardy. 1st and 2nd tardies (in a semester) will result in counseling from the cadet chain of command and the cadre. On the 3rd, 4th, and 5th tardies, the cadet will be referred to the office for detention. The 6th, 7th, and 8th tardies will result in In School Suspension (ISS). 9 or more tardies will result in Out of School Suspension (OSS).
UNIFORM POLICY Supply room will be closed on uniform days. Company points for uniform will be on uniform day only (usually Tuesdays). The number present who have been issued a uniform will be used to determine the % in compliance. Any uniforms left where they should not be on Wednesday afternoon will be subtracted from company total, and that individual will get a 70 (minus whatever inspection points they may have lost). Make-ups will be for individual points only. Absent cadets can earn up to 100 points on their first day back, those that failed to wear the uniform can earn up to 70 points if they wear their uniform the next day. All Squad leaders and above will wear the uniform all day (Leading by example). If you have a class that you cannot wear the uniform for (i.e. Physical Education) you will change out of your uniform before that class and into your uniform following the class. You will dress-out for PE. Supply room will be closed on uniform days.
PROMOTIONS: Must be passing all classes, and have a C or higher in JROTC. Must have made up any missed uniform days within the first day back to school. If not for an excused absence, the highest grade you can get on a uniform makeup is 70 points. Must have completed all required community service hours before the promotion dates: 1st promotion cycle 15 Oct NOTE: This cycle is for promotion from Cadet to Cadet Private only 2nd promotion cycle 16 Dec 3rd promotion cycle 29 Apr NOTE: Ten 3rd quarter and at least four 4th quarter community service hours must be completed to be considered for this promotion. LET 1s can be promoted up to the rank of CPL – Cadet of the Year can earn an additional rank. LET 2s can be promoted to the rank of SSG – Cadet of the Year can earn additional rank. Promotions to SGT must appear in front of a promotion board (unless promotion is due to winning a cadet of the month/year board). LET 3s can be promoted to the rank of 2LT- must have appeared in front of a promotion board, be at least a SSG, pass written test, and hold an officer position. LET 4s can achieve all ranks.
RETENTION IN THE PROGRAM: Belonging to JROTC is a privilege, and those not demonstrating our values will not be permitted to continue in the program. Any of the following circumstances will be grounds for dismissal from the program: Nine (9) In-School Suspension (ISS) days during a single semester Any Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) incident will trigger a review for retention in the program. Juniors and seniors who receive two F’s in a semester. This will trigger a meeting with the student, their counselor, and their parents to determine if they are still on track to graduate. Receiving a zero on four uniform days in a semester.
Personal Data Form
Personal Data Form
Student ID #
Race, whatever you identify with
Cross Enrolled, Yes or No?
Alien, Yes if you are not a US citizen
Grade and Enrollment Date
Expected Graduation, when you should graduate
Company, the one you are in NOW
Address, YOUR Address
Parent/Guardian Address, if different from yours
Privacy Act Statement
Privacy Act Statement
Your Name
Date entered JROTC
LET Level, Sch Grade, CO
Parents Signature
Your Signature