2014 NVT Results Steven Tilbrook; Rachel Thomson Kalyx Australia
Overview What is “Production Value PLUS” Season 2014: Regional Summary PV Plus applied to NVT Variety Comparisons New Varieties
Production Value PLUS System New methodology = Production Value PLUS System Produces “Production Values” (PVs) in t/ha for all varieties for each environment (NVT year & site combination) Basic definitions: Variety PVs: are positive or negative differences relative to a base-line (PV = 0) PV = 0 Reflects the average expected yield of all the varieties in the current NVT data set, if grown in that particular environment
PV-PLUS is available on NVT online via the Yield App
Area Sown to Wheat Varieties
Northern Snapshot of 2014 Best break since 1999 & 2012 then dry spell Above average minimum temps Hi temps & 22km/hr winds 24/7 for 2 weeks, yields suffered Ideal harvest conditions Game changing rains for some Below to average Season Rainfall (mm)
Corack or Mace??? New main season (mid maturity) Varieties to watch…
Hydra APW: Hydra APW: Bonnie Rock/ Strzelecki, mid season, good disease package, regional adaptability. Impress CL Plus APW Impress CL Plus APW: Very much a Wyalkatchem type. Great foliar package especially yellow spot, good grain size. Emerging varieties
New Noodle Varieties ZEN: ZEN: Calingiri/Wyalkatchem longer season, watch stem rust. Supreme: Supreme: Arrino derivative, shorter season, expressive dwarf gene, good disease.
Harper: Harper: Yitpi/Stylet derivative, Yield advantage over Yitpi (different phenology) Prefers a good finish (longer season) Watch yellow spot Trojan: Trojan: LPB00LR000041/Sentinal derivative Yield advantage over Yitpi (different phenology) Watch Yellow Spot Requires a good finish (longer finish Long Season Varieties
2014 Barley NVT Results Steven Tillbrook; Rachel Thomson Kalyx Australia
IMI tolerant barley Observe label timings for MRL’s Scope CL Plus – Very close to Buloke, head loss an issue. – Lower yielding than Hindmarsh. – Hindmarsh would have averaged a $70/ha greater return in the NVT trials over the last 5 years. New IMI tolerant varieties on the horizon (Intergrain)
Variety development Flinders – Accredited for malting – Good disease, longer season, yields well. La Trobe – Yields = Hindmarsh – Accredited for malting Compass – Malting accreditation due 2016, top of MET analysis, mid-maturity similar to Commander.
Litmus update Litmus recognised as having blue aleurone – Only completely white aleurone varieties meet current standards Yield advantage on acid soils Geraldton PZ has established a trial segregation for Litmus. AEGIC have been commissioned by Barely Australia to investigate market sensitivity to blue aleurone.
Key messages Hindmarsh still the a good option Awaiting market development of Flinders, La Trobe and Compass. Flinders and Compass are longer season may be suited to Eneabba and Badgingarra area. Malting varieties require more favourable premium to be competitive with Hindmarsh.
Hybrids RR $
44% Oil in 2014 Increased Yields
Recognition and thanks to: Grower co-operators Grower Group Staff Kalyx Staff Dini Ganesalingam: SAGI Matu Peipi GRDCACASwww.nvtonline.com.au