OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES: Review, practice, and secure concepts. Breakdown the barriers of vocabulary and format. Analyze data from the District and State.


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Presentation transcript:

OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVES: Review, practice, and secure concepts. Breakdown the barriers of vocabulary and format. Analyze data from the District and State.

GLCE Designations Core - content currently taught at the assigned grade level. Extended Core - content currently taught at the assigned grade level that describes narrower or less dense topics. Future Core - not currently taught at assigned grade level (but will be with in the next 3-5 years).

GLCE Types and Scoring Item Types – Count towards score –Core - assess Core GLCE (3 questions per GLCE on MEAP test) –Extended Core - assess Extended Core GLCE (Usually only 1 question on MEAP test) –Linking - core items from previous grade test (grades 4-8 only) Item Types – Do NOT count towards score –Field Test - items used to develop future MEAP assessments –Future Core - items that assess Future Core expectations

Websites MEAP: –Released items –Guide to MEAP reports –Assessable GLCE information MI-Access: –Extended GLCE and Benchmarks –Accommodations Information MI-Access Information Center: Office of School Improvement: –Michigan Curriculum Framework –Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE) Intermediate School Districts and MMLA connections: – – see what other districts have already done! –MMLA assessment builder and practice questionsMMLA assessment builder and practice questions – (go to general education  Math and Science Center  Math GLCE and Model Assessmentswww.jcisd.org – (go to general education  benchmark assessment project) –

5 Math Strands on MEAP Number and Operation Algebra Measurement Geometry Data and Probability Reading the GLCE Code: N.FL Strand (Content Area) Domain (Sub-Content Area like: Fluency or Patterns, etc.) Grade Level GLCE Number

Number and Operation The correct answer will be highlighted in the following questions. If the answer is highlighted green, then we did better than the state by 5% or more. If the answer is highlighted yellow, then we did better than the state by 0-4%. If the answer is highlighted red, then we did worse than the state.

DistrictState %1% %2% % %94% N.ME Read and write numbers to 10,000 in both numerals and words, and relate them to the quantities they represent, e.g., relate numeral or written word to a display of dots or objects. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %5% %88% %5% %2% N.ME Read and write numbers to 10,000 in both numerals and words, and relate them to the quantities they represent, e.g., relate numeral or written word to a display of dots or objects. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %10% %5% %14% %70% N.ME Read and write numbers to 10,000 in both numerals and words, and relate them to the quantities they represent, e.g., relate numeral or written word to a display of dots or objects. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %2% %90% %5% %4% N.ME Recognize and use expanded notation for numbers using place value to 10,000s place, e.g., 2,517 is 2 thousands, 5 hundreds, 1 ten, and 7 ones; 4 hundreds and 2 ones is 402; identify the place value of a digit in a number, e.g., in 3,241, 2 is in the hundreds place. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %83% %7% %5% % N.ME Recognize and use expanded notation for numbers using place value to 10,000s place, e.g., 2,517 is 2 thousands, 5 hundreds, 1 ten, and 7 ones; 4 hundreds and 2 ones is 402; identify the place value of a digit in a number, e.g., in 3,241, 2 is in the hundreds place. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %13% %9% %13% %65% N.ME Recognize and use expanded notation for numbers using place value to 10,000s place, e.g., 2,517 is 2 thousands, 5 hundreds, 1 ten, and 7 ones; 4 hundreds and 2 ones is 402; identify the place value of a digit in a number, e.g., in 3,241, 2 is in the hundreds place. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %15% %7% %69% %9% N.ME Compare and order numbers up to 10,000. [Ext]

DistrictState %78% %7% %6% %9% N.ME Know that even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8; name a whole number quantity that can be shared in two equal groups or grouped into pairs with no remainders; recognize even numbers as multiples of 2. Know that odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, and work with patterns involving even and odd numbers. [Ext]

DistrictState %2% %89% %3% %5% N.FL Add and subtract fluently two numbers: up to and including two-digit numbers with regrouping and up to four-digit numbers without regrouping. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %77% %6% %14% %3% N.FL Add and subtract fluently two numbers: up to and including two- digit numbers with regrouping and up to four-digit numbers without regrouping. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %6% %8% %3% %82% N.FL Add and subtract fluently two numbers: up to and including two- digit numbers with regrouping and up to four-digit numbers without regrouping. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %57% %16% %22% %5% N.FL Estimate the sum and difference of two numbers with three digits (sums up to 1000), and judge reasonableness of estimates. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %51% %29% %12% %7% N.FL Estimate the sum and difference of two numbers with three digits (sums up to 1000), and judge reasonableness of estimates. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %16% %51% %20% %13% N.FL Estimate the sum and difference of two numbers with three digits (sums up to 1000), and judge reasonableness of estimates. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %2% % % %94% N.MR Use multiplication and division fact families to understand the inverse relationship of these two operations, e.g., because 3 x 8 = 24, we know that 24 ÷ 8 = 3 or 24 ÷ 3 = 8; express a multiplication statement as an equivalent division statement. [Core- NC]

DistrictState %2% %93% %2% %3% N.MR Use multiplication and division fact families to understand the inverse relationship of these two operations, e.g., because 3 x 8 = 24, we know that 24 ÷ 8 = 3 or 24 ÷ 3 = 8; express a multiplication statement as an equivalent division statement. [Core- NC]

DistrictState %2% % %90% %5% N.MR Use multiplication and division fact families to understand the inverse relationship of these two operations, e.g., because 3 x 8 = 24, we know that 24 ÷ 8 = 3 or 24 ÷ 3 = 8; express a multiplication statement as an equivalent division statement. [Core- NC]

DistrictState %77% %9% %4% %10% N.MR Recognize situations that can be solved using multiplication and division including finding “How many groups?” and “How many in a group?” and write mathematical statements for those situations. [Core]

DistrictState %8% %19% %68% %4% N.MR Recognize situations that can be solved using multiplication and division including finding “How many groups?” and “How many in a group?” and write mathematical statements for those situations. [Core]

DistrictState %15% %53% %20% %11% N.MR Recognize situations that can be solved using multiplication and division including finding “How many groups?” and “How many in a group?” and write mathematical statements for those situations. [Core]

DistrictState %4% %3% %72% %21% N.FL Find products fluently up to 10 x 10; find related quotients using multiplication and division relationships. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %11% %8% %62% %18% N.FL Find products fluently up to 10 x 10; find related quotients using multiplication and division relationships. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %62% %25% %5% %8% N.FL Find products fluently up to 10 x 10; find related quotients using multiplication and division relationships. [Core - NC]

DistrictState %6% %85% %3% %6% N.MR Find solutions to open sentences, such as 7 x = 42 or 12 ÷ = 4, using the inverse relationship between multiplication and division. [Fut]

DistrictState %26% %9% %52% %13% N.MR Solve simple division problems involving remainders, viewing remainder as the “number left over” (less than the divisor), e.g., 4 children per group; we have 25 children; there are 6 groups with 1 child left over; interpret based on problem context. [Fut

DistrictState %1% %94% %2% %3% N.ME Understand that fractions may represent a portion of a whole unit that has been partitioned into parts of equal area or length; use the terms “numerator” and “denominator.” [Core]

DistrictState %8% %73% %11% %7% N.ME Understand that fractions may represent a portion of a whole unit that has been partitioned into parts of equal area or length; use the terms “numerator” and “denominator.” [Core]

DistrictState %9% %17% %67% %7% N.ME Understand that fractions may represent a portion of a whole unit that has been partitioned into parts of equal area or length; use the terms “numerator” and “denominator.” [Core]

DistrictState %23% %6% %7% %63% N.ME Recognize, name and use equivalent fractions with denominators 2, 4, and 8, using strips as area models. [Ext

DistrictState %21% %3% %73% %2% N.ME Place fractions with denominators of 2, 4, and 8 on the number line; relate the number line to a ruler; compare and order up to three fractions with denominators 2, 4, and 8. [Fut]

DistrictState %62% %16% %8% %13%

DistrictState %2% %95% %1% %2%

DistrictState %94% %2% %1% %3%

DistrictState %4% % %18% %73%

Measurement The correct answer will be highlighted in the following questions. If the answer is highlighted green, then we did better than the state by 5% or more. If the answer is highlighted yellow, then we did better than the state by 0-4%. If the answer is highlighted red, then we did worse than the state.

DistrictState %5% %1% %9% %85% M.UN Know and use common units of measurements in length, weight and time. [Core

DistrictState %69% %10% %18% %3% M.UN Know and use common units of measurements in length, weight and time. [Core

DistrictState %67% %16% %13% %3% M.UN Know and use common units of measurements in length, weight and time. [Core

DistrictState %74% %11% %6% %8% M.UN Measure in mixed units within the same measurement system for length, weight and time: feet and inches, meters and centimeters, kilograms and grams, pounds and ounces, liters and milliliters, hours and minutes, minutes and seconds, years and months. [Core

DistrictState %15% %16% %57% %12% M.UN Measure in mixed units within the same measurement system for length, weight and time: feet and inches, meters and centimeters, kilograms and grams, pounds and ounces, liters and milliliters, hours and minutes, minutes and seconds, years and months. [Core

DistrictState %7% %75% %6% %12% M.UN Measure in mixed units within the same measurement system for length, weight and time: feet and inches, meters and centimeters, kilograms and grams, pounds and ounces, liters and milliliters, hours and minutes, minutes and seconds, years and months. [Core

DistrictState %6% %3% %71% %20% M.UN Understand relationships between sizes of standard units, e.g., feet and inches, meters and centimeters. [Core]

DistrictState %17% %20% %3% %59% M.UN Understand relationships between sizes of standard units, e.g., feet and inches, meters and centimeters. [Core]

DistrictState %14% %33% %3% %49% M.UN Understand relationships between sizes of standard units, e.g., feet and inches, meters and centimeters. [Core]

DistrictState %6% %2% %5% %86% M.UN Know benchmark temperatures such as freezing (32°F, 0°C); boiling (212°F, 100°C); and compare temperatures to these, e.g., cooler, warmer. [Core

DistrictState %5% %19% %45% %30% M.UN Know benchmark temperatures such as freezing (32°F, 0°C); boiling (212°F, 100°C); and compare temperatures to these, e.g., cooler, warmer. [Core

DistrictState %23% %19% %27% %30% M.UN Know benchmark temperatures such as freezing (32°F, 0°C); boiling (212°F, 100°C); and compare temperatures to these, e.g., cooler, warmer. [Core

DistrictState %17% %5% %73% %4% M.UN Know the definition of area and perimeter and calculate the perimeter of a square and rectangle given whole number side lengths. [Core

DistrictState %16% %8% %68% %8% M.UN Know the definition of area and perimeter and calculate the perimeter of a square and rectangle given whole number side lengths. [Core

DistrictState %19% %9% %68% %4% M.UN Know the definition of area and perimeter and calculate the perimeter of a square and rectangle given whole number side lengths. [Core

M.UN Use square units in calculating area by covering the region and counting the number of square units. [Ext] DistrictState %4% %6% %4% %86%

DistrictState %35% %17% %6% %42% M.UN Distinguish between units of length and area and choose a unit appropriate in the context. [Ext]

M.UN Visualize and describe the relative sizes of one square inch and one square centimeter. [Ext] DistrictState %73% %13% %8% %6% A B C D

DistrictState %39% %48% %8% %5% M.TE Estimate the perimeter of a square and rectangle in inches and centimeters; estimate the area of a square and rectangle in square inches and square centimeters. [Fut]

DistrictState %7% %9% %11% %73% M.PS Add and subtract lengths, weights and times using mixed units, within the same measurement system. [Fut]

DistrictState %86% %3% % %8% M.PS Add and subtract money in dollars and cents. [Core]

DistrictState %78% %8% %6% %8%

M.PS Add and subtract money in dollars and cents. [Core] DistrictState %9% %13% %9% %69%

M.PS Solve applied problems involving money, length and time. [Ext DistrictState %78% %9% %8% %4%

DistrictState %29% %54% %4% %12% M.PS Solve contextual problems about perimeters of rectangles and areas of rectangular regions. [Ext]

Geometry The correct answer will be highlighted in the following questions. If the answer is highlighted green, then we did better than the state by 5% or more. If the answer is highlighted yellow, then we did better than the state by 0-4%. If the answer is highlighted red, then we did worse than the state.

DistrictState %16% %47% %19% %18% G.GS Identify points, line segments, lines and distance. [Ext]

DistrictState %22% %21% %36% %21% G.GS Identify perpendicular lines and parallel lines in familiar shapes and in the classroom. [Fut]

DistrictState %7% %8% %12% %72% G.GS Identify perpendicular lines and parallel lines in familiar shapes and in the classroom. [Fut]

DistrictState %18% %56% %21% %4% G.GS Identify, describe, compare and classify two-dimensional shapes, e.g., parallelogram, trapezoid, circle, rectangle, square and rhombus, based on their component parts (angles, sides, vertices, line segment) and the number of sides and vertices. [Ext]

DistrictState A%5% B% C%85% D%5% G.SR Compose and decompose triangles and rectangles to form other familiar two-dimensional shapes; e.g., form a rectangle using two congruent right triangles, or decompose a parallelogram into a rectangle and two right triangles. [Core]

DistrictState %6% %13% %72% %9% G.SR Compose and decompose triangles and rectangles to form other familiar two-dimensional shapes; e.g., form a rectangle using two congruent right triangles, or decompose a parallelogram into a rectangle and two right triangles. [Core]

DistrictState %11% %50% %10% %29% G.SR Compose and decompose triangles and rectangles to form other familiar two-dimensional shapes; e.g., form a rectangle using two congruent right triangles, or decompose a parallelogram into a rectangle and two right triangles. [Core]

DistrictState %4% %12% %4% %80% G.GS Identify, describe, build and classify familiar three-dimensional solids, e.g., cube, rectangular prism, sphere, pyramid, cone, based on their component parts (faces, surfaces, bases, edges, vertices). [Core]

DistrictState A%8% B%6% C%74% D%12% G.GS Identify, describe, build and classify familiar three-dimensional solids, e.g., cube, rectangular prism, sphere, pyramid, cone, based on their component parts (faces, surfaces, bases, edges, vertices). [Core]

DistrictState %14% % %15% %56% G.GS Identify, describe, build and classify familiar three-dimensional solids, e.g., cube, rectangular prism, sphere, pyramid, cone, based on their component parts (faces, surfaces, bases, edges, vertices). [Core]

DistrictState A%2% B%5% C%88% D%5% G.SR Represent front, top, and side views of solids built with cubes. [Ext]

Data and Probability The correct answer will be highlighted in the following questions. If the answer is highlighted green, then we did better than the state by 5% or more. If the answer is highlighted yellow, then we did better than the state by 0-4%. If the answer is highlighted red, then we did worse than the state.

D.RE Read and interpret bar graphs, in both horizontal and vertical forms. [Ext] DistrictState A%4% B%10% C%84% D%2%

DistrictState %1% %2% % %95% D.RE Read scales on the axes and identify the maximum, minimum, and range of values in a bar graph. [Core]

DistrictState %3% %94% %2% % D.RE Read scales on the axes and identify the maximum, minimum, and range of values in a bar graph. [Core]

DistrictState %3% %2% %14% %81% D.RE Read scales on the axes and identify the maximum, minimum, and range of values in a bar graph. [Core]

DistrictState %5% %4% %8% %81% D.RE Solve problems using information in bar graphs, including comparison of bar graphs. [Core]

DistrictState %15% %71% %9% %5% D.RE Solve problems using information in bar graphs, including comparison of bar graphs. [Core]

DistrictState %9% %7% %12% %72% D.RE Solve problems using information in bar graphs, including comparison of bar graphs. [Core]

DistrictState % % % %