Chrysanthemums Steve Smith Vivero de Las Casicas
Botany Genus:Chrysanthemum Type species:Chrysanthemum indicum (since 1999)Type speciesChrysanthemum indicum 30 species defined Herbaceous perennial plant Grows between 50 and 150 cm tall 13 bloom forms 140 recognised varieties 1,000’s hybrids & cultivars
History Cultivated in China in 15 th century BC Introduced to Japan in 8 th century AD Introduced to Europe in 17 th century –Named from Greek word χρυσός chrysous, "golden" (the colour of the original flowers), and ἄ νθεμον -anthemon, meaning flower.
Growing Sow seeds in December Propagate softwood cuttings in spring Divide established plants in autumn
Maintenance Spray regularly against: –Aphids & Earwigs –Mildew & White Rust –Lepidoptera Regular moderate feed & water Cut back & mulch after flowering Divide every 3 to 5 years
Uses Ornamental Culinary Insecticide
Mosquito Repellent Cut flowers when gone to seed Dry for 2-3 days Pulverise Add to oil or water Use little and often
Mosquito Repellent Cut flowers when gone to seed Dry for 2-3 days Pulverise Add to oil or water Use little and often Also works for Flies and Fleas Harmful to fish