Arkansas Geography
First of all, what is geography? “Geo” stands for earth “Graphy” is defined as the study of something Geography is the study of the earth! Let’s look at one specific part of the earth. 2
The United States of America is a country.
What is a country? It is a large area of land with boundaries and a government. Here are the names of some countries: oCoC anada oCoC hina oIoI ndia Can you name more countries?
The USA is a country with 50 states. States are areas within a country with their own government. Arkansas is one of those 50 states! You live in the state of Arkansas! Arkansas
Can you point to the state of Arkansas?
Can you find Arkansas now?
Did you find the correct location? 8
Time to Review What is the definition of geography? What is a country? In what country do you live? What is a state? In what state do you live? 9
What is a county? Many states in the USA are divided into smaller land units called counties. There are 75 counties in Arkansas. Look at the map on the next slide to see if you can find your county!
Can you find your county?
Capital of Arkansas Every state has a capital city. o The state government is located in this city. o Little Rock is our capital city. It is located in the center of the state ( see the star on the map in the next slide.) It is located in Pulaski County. 12
Can you find the star? 13
Review! What is a county? Arkansas is divided into how many counties? In which county do you live? What is our capital city? In what county is the city of Little Rock located? 14
What is a border State? States have neighbors! o They are border states or are next to us. o Arkansas has six neighbor or border states. o Let’s learn them! 15
What are the border states of Arkansas? Missouri Tennessee Mississippi Louisiana Oklahoma Texas
Border states of Arkansas – Ar ArkansasArkansas TennesseeTennessee OklahomaOklahoma Texas MissouriMissouri MississippiMississippi LouisianaLouisiana
Missouri is above or north of Arkansas 18
Tennessee is northeast of Arkansas
Mississippi is southeast of Arkansas
Louisiana is below or south of Arkansas
Texas is located southwest of Arkansas
Oklahoma is west or left of Arkansas
Can you locate our border states? – Ar ArkansasArkansas
What is our neighbor state to the north or above Arkansas? – Ar ArkansasArkansas
What is our neighbor state to the north or above Arkansas? – Ar ArkansasArkansas ??
Our neighbor to the north is Missouri! – Ar ArkansasArkansas MissouriMissouri
What state borders Arkansas to the south or below us? – Ar ArkansasArkansas MissouriMissouri ??
It’s Louisiana! – Ar ArkansasArkansas MissouriMissouri LouisianaLouisiana
What state borders us to the northeast? – Ar ArkansasArkansas ?? MissouriMissouri LouisianaLouisiana
Did you “see” Tennessee? – Ar ArkansasArkansas TennesseeTennessee MissouriMissouri LouisianaLouisiana
Southeast or to the bottom-right of Arkansas? – Ar ArkansasArkansas TennesseeTennessee MissouriMissouri ?? LouisianaLouisiana
It’s Mississippi! – Ar ArkansasArkansas TennesseeTennessee MissouriMissouri MississippiMississippi LouisianaLouisiana
West, or left, of Arkansas? – Ar ArkansasArkansas TennesseeTennessee ?? MissouriMissouri MississippiMississippi LouisianaLouisiana
Did you do OK? It’s Oklahoma! – Ar ArkansasArkansas TennesseeTennessee OklahomaOklahoma MissouriMissouri MississippiMississippi LouisianaLouisiana
Our largest neighbor and to the southwest? – Ar ArkansasArkansas TennesseeTennessee OklahomaOklahoma ? ? MissouriMissouri MississippiMississippi LouisianaLouisiana
Texas! ArkansasArkansas TennesseeTennessee OklahomaOklahoma Texas MissouriMissouri MississippiMississippi LouisianaLouisiana
Recall the Border States now! 38
Arkansas is divided into six natural regions Ozark Mountains Arkansas River Valley Ouachita Mountains West Gulf Coastal Plain Mississippi Alluvial Plain Crowley’s Ridge
Ozark Mountains The Ozark Mountains are in northwest Arkansas. The mountains are a result of a heavily eroded plateau. There are many lakes, rivers, streams in the region. The area is covered in forest. 40
The Ozark Mountains
Arkansas River Valley The area is between the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains. It was carved by the Arkansas River. It has very fertile soil in this area and an abundance of water The capital city of Little Rock is located in the area
The Arkansas River
Ouachita Mountains They are located in western Arkansas south of the Arkansas River Valley These mountains are narrow ridges of folded rock Pine forest grow here Large valleys exist for growing crop
Ouachita Mountains
West Gulf Coastal Plain Located in southern Arkansas, this area was once covered by the ocean There are a lot of pine-tree covered hills in this region
West Gulf Coastal Plain
Mississippi Alluvial Plain This region has rich soil due to flooding of the Mississippi River. It is mainly a flat area with some forests. Forests also exist in the Plain. 48
Mississippi Alluvial Plain 49
Crowley’s Ridge Crowley’s Ridge is located in east Arkansas inside the Mississippi Alluvial region. The Ridge is 3-12 miles across and reaches a height of up to 300 feet above surrounding lowlands. It is covered with forest. The dust from the ridge erodes easily.
Crowley’s Ridge The ridge is named for Benjamin Crowley, who was one of the first Europeans to live in the area. The ridge extends north into Missouri and ends at the city of Helena, Arkansas.
Let’s Review 52
Can you locate the Ozark Mountains?
Did you find the correct location? 54
Where is the Arkansas River Valley? 55
It is here! 56
Who can find the Ouachita Mountains?
Did you say here?
Find the West Gulf Coastal Plain 59
Is this the location? 60
Look for the Mississippi Alluvial Plain 61
Here it is! 62
Where is Crowley’s Ridge? 63
It is here! 64
The six natural regions The six natural regions 65
Rivers of Arkansas 66
Here are some of the major Arkansas rivers! White River Arkansas River Ouachita River Red River St. Francis River Mississippi River
Can you name the missing rivers?
Practice some more to find the rivers
Way to go!!!!!!
Sources There are many sources about Arkansas geography online! o Secretary of State’s website o DAH Website The Arkansas Natural Resources Council has resources on the geography of Arkansas. It can be accessed through the DAH website ( For more information contact Jane Jones-Shultz or her at 71