swamp: wetlands, marsh: wetlands bayou: a marshy, slow moving stream desert: dry lands where little rain falls rain shadow: the dry side of a mountain; eastern side population: number of people urban: “of the city” rural: “of the countryside” commute: to travel
fall line: where the Piedmont meets the Atlantic Coastal Plain environment: surroundings Natural resources: something in the environment that people can use economy: the way people uses their resources to meet peoples needs and wants agriculture: the business of growing crops and raising animals mineral: nonrenewable resources pollution: something that makes air, land, or water dirty or unhealthy recycle: use again
Lake Hopatcong Hoboken (top) Pinelands (middle) Delaware Water Gap Appalachian Mountains Mississippi River Davis Bayou (bottom) Interior plains Great and Central Plains Rocky Mountains
Grand Canyon Piedmont: foothills Highlands: WEST MILFORD Franklin : famous for glowing rock Ridge and Valley Linden Sparta
The Piedmont region of New Jersey has the greatest population. The Atlantic Coastal Plain region of New Jersey covers more than one-half of the state.
A region is an area with common features that sets it apart from other areas. The Appalachian Mountains are found in most states in Northeast. The Grand Canyon is a famous landform in the Southwest.
A reservoir is a natural or human built lake used to store water. (Wanaque Reservoir) renewable resources are resources that can be replaced. Oil is an example of a nonrenewable resource. Conservation is the careful use of our natural resources.