Placement Testing Dr. Edward Morante Faculty to Faculty Webinar April 19, 2012 Sponsored by Lone Star College
Dr. Edward A. Morante EdD – 1974 Counseling Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University Master’s Thesis: Multivariate analysis of the success of a placement process at a school for disabled students Research Assistant for Dr. Robert Thorndike, noted professor of testing and measurement 35 years in higher education 13 years Director of Counseling at the university level 8 years as Director of the Basic Skills Assessment Program, New Jersey Department of Higher Education, which developed the first state wide placement test in the US, the first state wide assessment of Developmental Education programs in that state, assessing learning outcomes at two and four-year colleges including the first state wide assessment of sophomore learning outcomes 14 years in a Southern California community college as a counselor, Dean of Educational Research, Resources and Technology; Dean of Student Services and Resources; and Academic Senate President
Dr. Edward A. Morante Distinguished Faculty – National Center for Developmental Education’s Kellogg Institute for 23 years, presenting on placement and assessment Member of the Assessment Council of Western Governors University for 10 years where he helped develop an elaborate system of student assessment needed for degree attainment National TRIO trainer for 10 years on assessment, placement, and evaluation Achieving the Dream data coach from the beginning Consultant, presenter, grant writer, program evaluator for 25 years, including head of the team that evaluated Florida’s statewide placement test (CLAST) and member of the team that evaluated the Texas statewide placement test
Today’s Agenda Definition & Purpose Important factors Placement tests vs. SAT & ACT Best practices Predictive validity of placement tests Evaluating placement instruments and policies
Definition A placement test is a basic skills achievement test that measures skills proficiency (e.g., in reading, writing and/or mathematics).
Purpose To assist entering college students in the selection of beginning courses
Important Factors Reliability: Essential for score consistency; Calculated reliability coefficients should approach or exceed.90
Important Factors Reliability Validity: Essential for measuring what the test is supposed to measure; content / skills / behaviors … college entrance = reading writing math
Important Factors Reliability Validity Criterion-referenced, with standards & proficiencies developed by faculty
Important Factors Reliability Validity Criterion-referenced Power test, where students demonstrate skills within a reasonable time. “Speededness” should be avoided.
Important Factors Reliability Validity Criterion-referenced Power test Decreased opportunity to guess
Important Factors Reliability Validity Criterion-referenced Power test Decreased opportunity to guess Alternate form for contingencies
Important Factors Reliability Validity Criterion-referenced Power test Decreased opportunity to guess Alternate form for contingencies Cost
Important Factors Reliability Validity Criterion-referenced Power test Decreased opportunity to guess Alternate form for contingencies Cost No bias
SAT / ACT vs. placement tests SAT / ACT Select most likely to succeed Predict success Higher order skills No developmental level questions Placement Instruments Assess basic skills Ready to enter college classes? Assess developmental levels
SAT/ ACT uses for placement Multiple variables High scores Academic achievement Should not override placement test results
Best Practice - timing Administer after college admittance and before orientation and registration Preparation for placement testing?
Best Practice - Process Do not make a placement based upon the results of one score of one test (avoid error variance by using multiple variables)
Best Practice - Process Test all entering students Collect available background info Analyze these multiple data Integrate information using multiple variables Make decisions about placement for each student for each basic skills content area
Best - Multiple Variables Placement test and components SAT / ACT High School rank, GPA, course work Motivation Maturity Family & Work Support ….How can this be done quickly & efficiently?
Best - Multiple Variables ….How can this be done quickly & efficiently? Work with the metrics of the test - Gordon
Predictive validity Predictive validity is an inappropriate methodology for evaluating an achievement test such as a placement test. (recent CCRC report) Assess skills Assess proficiencies
Assessing A test should be evaluated in the context of both the test itself and how it is used. -Messick
Assessing Faculty examination of the content Sampling of skills Alignment w/ HS?
Assessing Placement Processes: Is the process followed? Who has override power? Rigid or flexible?
Assessing Placement Processes: How many changes are made by students after placement?
Assessing Are students placed appropriately? Ask the experts...
Assessing Are students placed appropriately? Ask the experts... Faculty!
Assessing Faculty Assessment of Student Placement Survey All faculty who teach all levels of developmental classes + All faculty who teach first level college ENGL & Math 4-6 Weeks – ask to individually rate the appropriateness of each student’s placement Entry proficiencies, not motivation, etc.
Assessing Faculty Assessment of Student Placement Survey Ratings system: Appropriately placed Should be placed in a lower level Should be placed in a higher level Results compiled with an expected outcome of 80%
Last thought Assessment and placement are only the beginning of the process. Student learning is the goal, and it is much more difficult to accomplish!
Placement Testing with Dr. Edward A. Morante Faculty to Faculty Webinar Series