Lathrop R-II School District 4 Day School Week Presented by: Chris Fine, Superintendent
Four Day Data..So Far.. n Impact of 4 day school week is generally considered in four areas: –Financial savings –Student achievement –Other student and teacher outcomes –Stakeholder satisfaction
Financial Savings n We anticipated savings in transportation, food service, food service staff, hourly staff, facilities energy costs and substitute teacher pay
Financial Savings n Actual District savings: – $101,749 in classified staff salaries for year – $4729 in Substitute Salaries – even after increasing pay –$3733 in food service - actually was $3733 we didn’t lose –$5039 in transportation - Bus contract, fuel –$6,385 in Op and Maint. - Usage was down, but electricity (20%) and water (100%) costs were up.
Salary savings n Certified staff: no change in salary. –161 required days –148 school days –3 PD days before school, 8 PD Mondays, 2 P/T Conf. Mondays –About 2 hrs less total work time on the 4 day schedule n Classified: –Cooks, Custodians and Maintenance lost 1 day/8 hours per week –Paraprofessionals lost 4 hrs per week –Secretaries lost 4 hrs per week
Financial Savings Total savings attributed to our schedule was $121,635 n 1.3% of actual expenditures n 21 cents on our tax levy
Four Day Data..So Far.. n Impact of 4 day school week is generally considered in four areas: –Financial savings –Student achievement –Other student and teacher outcomes –Stakeholder satisfaction
Student Achievement n The greatest concern is with student learning and achievement. n Will the reduction in days negatively affect student learning and or performance? n Much of the literature concludes that a condensed schedule may have a positive effect, and in most cases has no negative impact.
Student Achievement AYP - Proficient numbers high enough at Elementary and Middle School, High School Met Standards APR - Distinction in Performance, MAP Index numbers look better. Overall, 13 of 22 areas improved, 8 of 10 at high school and 4 of 5 at elementary.
Student Achievement ACT Composite was highest since Student Grades were a little improved at LHS and LMS.
Four Day Data..So Far.. n Impact of 4 day school week is generally considered in four areas: –Financial savings –Student achievement –Other student and teacher outcomes –Stakeholder satisfaction
Four Day Data..So Far.. Student attendance increased at all three levels, greatest at middle school. 17% fewer certified staff absences and 29% fewer classified staff absences. Fifth day is used for professional development, tutoring, outside activities i.e. field trips, camps and can be used for inclement weather make-up Consistency of calendar
Student Day Comparisons n 2009 – day week –High School: n 6.33 hrs per day n 174 days for a total of hrs n 1899 min. per week (if 5 full days) –Middle School: n 6.37 hrs per day n 174 days for a total of hrs n 1911 min. per week (if 5 full days) –Elementary School n 6.37 hrs per day n 174 days for a total of hrs n 1911 min. per week (if 5 full days) n 2010 – day week –High School n 7.30 hrs per day n 148 days for a total of hrs. n 1750 min. per week –Middle School n 7.28 hrs per day n 148 days for a total of hrs n 1747 min per week –Elementary School n 7.37 hrs per day n 148 days for a total of hrs n 1768 min per week
Four Day Data..So Far.. n Impact of 4 day school week is generally considered in four areas: –Financial savings –Student achievement –Other student and teacher outcomes –Stakeholder satisfaction
Survey Questions N = 256 in Sept., N=223 in January, N=228 in June September Questions Demographic info How long have you lived in Lathrop SD Please mark the appropriate grade level of each student in you home. Last spring when the district was discussing the 4 day school week, you/your family was… Based on your family’s experience so far this year with the 4 day school week, you are… If you have students that require childcare, is it…? Students do not attend school on the 5 th day of the week, Mondays. What does your student do? After the first few weeks, I believe the 4 day school week has had a _____affect on my student’s academics. Please respond to the following. (positive/challenging aspect) Please provide any positive comments, concerns or suggestions for future survey questions. January Questions Demographic info How long have you lived in Lathrop SD Building level of student Based on your family’s experience so far this year with the 4 day school week, you are… If you have students that require childcare, is it…? Students do not attend school on the 5 th day of the week, Mondays. What does your student do? If you student is at home on Mondays, please mark all choices that he/she does. After the first half of the year, I believe the 4 day school week has had a ____affect on my student’s academics. Is your child more enthusiastic about going to school with the new schedule? How does your student feel about the 4 day school week? He/She/They…. If school is missed due to inclement weather, would you prefer the make-up days be added on at the end of the year or utilize Mondays. Acknowledging ….4 day will save approx. $120,000… you feel it is beneficial? If more changes have to be made to the budget, please mark by priority your preferences…. (1 – 7) Please respond to the following. (positive/challenging aspect) Please provide any positive comments, concerns or suggestions.
Survey Results Based upon our experience my family is…
Survey Results (So far) I believe the 4-Day Week has had a ____ effect on my child.
Survey Results Paper Survey at P-T Conferences 10/24/2011. Only one question: For next year, my family would prefer (Which Schedule).
Student Comments n I like having Mondays to do homework and study for things so I can get ahead n It’s great, I get to work and earn more money for college n I’m not sure yet n It seems that I am having homework every night, not sure I like that (On block schedule previously) n Days with school are jam packed, Mondays are great!
Teacher Comments n I like seeing the kids everyday n I love the in-service time, we can actually get things done and work on our Mapping n I like the RTI time with the students n I enjoy having Monday to relax from the weekend and prepare for the week n I love it n Consistency better for elementary kids
Parent Comments Positive: n Before, on Sunday evenings we were running around trying to get things ready for school on Mondays i.e. homework, laundry, notes signed, and get to bed early enough. But now we can enjoy our weekends and don’t have to go crazy Sunday evenings, everything can be taken care of on Monday. n More Family Time n No Early Out Days! Consistent Schedule. n Savings to district
Parent Comments Negative n Longer days, kids tired n With evening activities, less time for family, homework, chores n Can’t get into routine. No consistent schedule n Child Care Issues – finding it/or paying for it
Extra Benefits for LR2 n Back to Traditional Schedule at LHS and LMS n Added Hours of Instruction for kids without increasing teacher time. n More time in regular day for RTI
Return to 174 Days n Would cost an additional $108,500 n Would cost even more if we don’t do the early out Wednesday (e.o.w.) for in-service. n Would mean going back to fewer hours of instruction if we did e.o.w. n 8 – 2:45 Daily – Not long enough to do all we’re doing now!
168 Days n If Mondays off is issue n Would cost an additional $87,000 n Same instructional hours, same teacher hours. n In-service once a month. School on other Mondays. No e.o.w. n 8 – 3:00 Daily – still not as long as we would prefer.
159 Days n If length of day is issue n Would cost an additional $47,500 n Same instructional and teacher hours n In-service once a month n One other Monday per month of school. n 8 – 3:15 Daily, this is minimum daily hours we would prefer.
Data Driven Decisions n Can’t find data that tells us this has been bad for the kids. n If anyone can tell us what else to look at, we’ll do it. n Data says it’s working, or at least doesn’t hurt n Only about 15% have feelings against it.