Mid-America Prevention Training Center Advisory Committee (MAC)
Name Title Representing: community, local, state, national, rural, frontier, urban, target audience
NNPTC: National Network of Prevention Training Centers MAPTC: Mid-America Prevention Training Center MAC: Mid-America Prevention Training Center Advisory Committee
Part I provides clinical training Part II provides behavioral interventions training Part III provides partner services and program support training
Funded since 1993 Funding cycle April 1 through March 31 5 ISTDI and 4 PCRS/SNS courses per funding cycle
21 States in our region Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Wisconsin, Wyoming
Course scheduling Responsibilities of host site
Additionally….. Program support courses STD Program Management Course Passport to Partner Services State courses Collaboration Webinars: Disease Specific, Dr. Mark Thrun Webinars: Advances in Technology, Dr. Sheana Bull
Grant requirement to have an advisory committee Minimize time spent on committee related work, yet…… Maximize effectiveness and efficiency of committee related work, e.g., make sure it’s meaningful
Objectives: Review past needs assessments Review current course offerings Meet two times per year Provide input into the design of the 2012/2013 national training needs assessment Assess effectiveness of MAPTC Recommend/advocate changes Complete a satisfaction survey
How do the past needs assessments reflect the partner services and program support training needs of your agency?
How do the challenges in conducting partner services listed in past needs assessments reflect the current challenges of your agency?
How have your training needs changed based on the changes in health care (health care reform) and the current economic environment?
How have your training needs changed based on the current HIV and STD Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA)?
2012/2013 national training needs assessment Identification of other partner service providers