Warm Up Divide up your life span into eras (segments) as if they were chapters in a book. Ex. Location, extracurricular activities, schooling, events that caused change. You can make predictions for the future.
My Life in Eras BirthPresent ArlingtonFort Worth BurlesonFort WorthLubbockWillow ParkFort Worth BR Ele.JC Ele. P Ele. HFS MS C9C9 CHSTexas Tech University RCSCTTU Ulib. Mas Com SGHNorth Crowley 9th WHS Traditional FamilyDivorced ParentsExtended Family My Family Life and Structure Places I’ve Lived Schools I attended Work History
Teacher Questions 0 How did you know when one era began and another ended? 0 Was there a clean break in your life’s eras? 0 Did any of your eras overlap with each other? 0 Did forces outside your control determine any of the eras in your life?
0 What are historical eras? 0 What constitutes a historical era? 0 Why do historians use them?
0 List the era in U.S. history that you learned in 8 th grade. 0 Colonial 0 Revolution 0 Antebellum/New Nation 0 Jacksonian 0 Civil War 0 Reconstruction
What eras do you think we will learn about this year? 0 West & Gilded Age 0 Progressive 0 Rise to World Power/WWI 0 Modern America/Roaring 20’s 0 Great Depression/New Deal 0 America Reacts to War (Pre-WWII) 0 WWII 0 Beginning of Cold War (1950’s) 0 The New Frontier & Vietnam War (1960’s) 0 Civil Rights (1950’s – 1970’s) 0 Conservative Resurgence (1970’s – 1980’s) Present/ Middle East Wars
We’re moving West! Western Expansion
Economic Factors: What economic factors encouraged the expansion west? 1. The Growth of Railroads 0 Industry relied on railroads for shipping. 0 Railroads grew in response to increased demands of industrialization and Western Expansion. 0 Railroads expanded westward to meet demands of settlement and economic development of the West. (They carried people and shipped products.)
0 Railroad shipping encouraged the growth of ranching, farming, and mining industries in the West. 0 Industrial and technological innovations in manufacturing and mass communication enabled rapid growth of railroads. ( Steel and Telegraph) 0 Although, eventually railroads charged high prices to move their grain and other crops.
Discussion Question #1: With your shoulder partner(s) discuss and answer the following question: 1. What were the benefits people enjoyed that lived in a settlement with a railroad track built through the town? Write your answers in complete sentences! Example: “When a railroad was built through a town, people enjoyed _____________________, ______________________, and _____________________.” (You may copy the sentence stem but you have to fill in the blank)
0 Central Pacific and Union railroads met in Promontory, Utah on May 10, 1869 creating the first Transcontinental Railroad in the U.S. 0 Transcontinental Railroad – the railroad stimulated a production boom, as industry mined the vast resources of the middle and western continent for use in production in the east.
Discussion Question #2: With your shoulder partner(s) discuss and answer the following question: 2. What was the economic impact of the Transcontinental Railroad and how did this contribute to the closing of the frontier in the late 19 th century? Write your answers in complete sentences! Example: “The Transcontinental Railroad impacted the U.S. economically by ________________________________________. It helped close the frontier because ________________________________________.” (You may copy the sentence stem but you have to fill in the blank)
0 2. Farming the West 0 New immigrants and farmers move west and start farming the west. ( Why? What caused it?) 0 Homestead Act (1862) – federal land grants (160 acres) to western settlers at no cost. (600,000 families took advantage of this opportunity….that is a very large amount of people…) The Hilton Family-1887…Yes that’s an organ…
Discussion Question #3: With your shoulder partner(s) discuss and answer the following question: 3. What was the impact of the Homestead Act on the west? Write your answers in complete sentences! Example: “The Homestead Act led to ______________________________.” (You may copy the sentence stem but you have to fill in the blank)
0 Late 1800s farmers began to rely on mechanization (McCormick Reaper/Steel Plow) to improve and increase agricultural production. Increased food production allowed for a population boom. But, overproduction could and often did occur and farmers would go into debt.
Discussion Question #4: With your shoulder partner(s) discuss and answer the following question: 4. Do you think the population increase in the US led to an increase in food production and new farm innovations, or was it the other way around? Explain your answer. Write your answers in complete sentences! Example: “The population increase led to new farm innovations and an increase in food production, because______________________.” OR “Farm innovations and an increase in food production led to a population increase because__________________________.” (You may copy the sentence stem but you have to fill in the blank)
3. Cattle Industry Boom 0 After the Civil War, the cattle industry boomed in the late 1800s as the demand for beef grew in cities, and culture and influence of the Plains American Indians declined. 0 Railroads provided method of transportation of beef to urbanized areas.
Discussion Question #5: With your shoulder partner(s) discuss and answer the following question: 5. Do you think Americans before the cattle industry boom could easily purchase beef? If you did eat beef before the cattle boom where did it most likely come from? Write your answers in complete sentences! Example: “Americans before the cattle industry boom ____________.” “ Before the cattle industry boom, beef most likely came from_______________.” (You may copy the sentence stem but you have to fill in the blank)
0 Vaqueros (Mexican cowboys) taught the American settlers how to be cowboys. They taught the settlers how to take care of the cattle (Texas Longhorns).
Discussion Question #6: With your shoulder partner(s) discuss and answer the following question: 6. Once the cattle boom was underway, how does the more wide- spread availability of beef affect Americans overall diet and health? Write your answers in complete sentences! Example: “The diet and health of Americans__________________________________________ after the cattle industry boom.” (You may copy the sentence stem but you have to fill in the blank)
Fact or Fib 0 #1 Fact or Fib? 0 Railroads grew because there was a high demand for western expansion and industrialization. 0 FACT!
Fact or Fib 0 #2 Fact or Fib? 0 Most people did not take advantage of the Homestead Act and moved west. 0 FIB!
Fact or Fib 0 #3 Fact or Fib? 0 Overproduction for farmers was a big issue in the west. 0 FACT!
Fact or Fib 0 #4 Fact or Fib? 0 The decline of the Plains Indians in the west, helped lead to the cattle boom. 0 FACT!
Fact or Fib 0 #5 Fact or Fib? 0 Farmers relied on old tried and true methods to increase agriculture that led to a population boom. 0 FIB!