By Leana and Molly
Artpage 2 Shelterpage3 Transport-cartpage4 Foodpage5
Colours they used for their paintings: black – charcoal Red – iron ore Yellow- iron – oxide white – chalk – and crushed rocks and bone Cave paintings were not found in caves where the stone age people lived but it is thought the cave art was used for communication. Animals are the most common painting. They used hand stencils to represent humans.
They built houses by digging holes in the wall. Shelves and dressers were built from wood and big rocks. They made pillows and quilts from animals skin. They made a fire place by piling rocks and rubbing wood together.
Boats were important and were used to get across seas. They made their boats using tree trunks and carved out the middle. They moved heavy objects by finding large tree trunks and put them underneath so they can act like wheels.
What food did Early Britons eat? Kidneys Fish Insects liver Meat Plants Seeds Fruit Brains How did they catch their food? They hunted with spears and put sticky lime onto bushes and trees to catch birds. They used small nets to catch small animals. The men went hunting while the women collect berries and plants. Did they cook their food? They ate raw food until they found fire.