Qualities of Good Relationships
Matching Pairs Game Challenge 1: Using ONLY questions that can be answered ‘YES’ or ‘NO’, try to work out your own identity Challenge 2: Look at the names of the other famous people around the room. Try to identify your ‘partner’
Definitions Work with a partner and try to come up with a definition of what is meant by the term ‘relationship’
David and Victoria Beckham Married since 1999
Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas Married since 2000
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Together since 2005
Elton John and David Furnish Together since 1993; Civil Partnership 2005
William and Kate Married 2011
Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne Married since 1982
Russell Brand and Katie Perry Met 2008; married 2010; split after 14 months of marriage
The Queen and Prince Philip Married since 1947
Rihanna and Chris Brown Met in 2005 as teenage sweethearts; split in 2009 after Chris assaulted Rihanna. Reunited 2013
Diamond Nine Activity
Ending a relationship by text Kissing someone at a party when in a relationship with someone else Checking calls and texts on a boyfriend/girlfriend mobile phone Having friends of the opposite sex when in a relationship Ringing a boyfriend/girlfriend to check they have got home safely Having a sexual relationship after being together for a week Going out with friends without boyfriend/girlfriend To have sex even if not in the mood to please boyfriend/girlfriend
Wanted! New Girl/Boyfriend They should be: ?