Peace, Prosperity and Progress Chapter 41
1 Americans were eager to spend money they had saved during the war. The resulting surge in consumer demand spurred a growth in production, which created jobs. This economic growth in turn led to a rise in in real incomes of average American families.
2 Businesses encouraged consumers to continue spending by doing more advertising, offering more opportunities to buy on credit. And introducing new and updated models of products every year.
3 The 50s saw a shift from manufactured goods to service industries, including fast food franchises like McDonalds and motel franchises like Holiday Inn.
4 The workforce shifted from blue collar workers, laboring in factories or skilled trades, to white collar workers. Bothe groups prospered, and both swelled the ranks of the middle class.
5 The G. I. Bill offered veterans low interest home loans, which encouraged home buying. With so many veterans starting families, the demand for housing grew faster than homes could be built Homebuilders like the Levitt Brothers capitalized on demand by mass- producing homes in planned communities, which changed the American landscape.
6 Massive water projects and air conditioning encouraged migration to the sunbelt. Suburbs lacked public transportation, so life there depended on the automobile. With fathers commuting to the city and mothers needing to run errands and deliver children to school, most households soon owned two cars. Automobiles became a status symbol as well as necessay trnasportation.
7 Growth in consumerism: migration of the middle class to the suburbs; a baby boom; traditional roles for men and women; migration to the sunbelt; rising dependence on and popularity of the automobile.
8 The invention of the computer made the collection storage, and processing of data faster; the new polio vaccine eradicated a crippling disease; new surgical techniques including open heart surgery and kidney transplants; increased patients likelihood of survival; antibiotics increased life expectancy; nuclear energy became a source of power and also helpful diagnostic tool for doctors.