Muscles of the Hip, Leg, & Foot Name: Period:
Hip Gluteus Maximus Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Maximus Function: Origin: and Insertion: (posterior)
Gluteus Medius Function: Sits the gluteus maximus Origin: (posterior) Insertion:
Upper Leg Sartorius Quadriceps Muscles Hamstring Muscles
Sartorius Function: Longest muscle in the body (anterior) Origin: Insertion:
Quadriceps Muscles Quadriceps muscles make up the “Quad” on the anterior side of leg Function: the leg & knee and of the hip & thigh
Quadriceps Origin: Lower part of the pelvis and top of the Insertion: (knee cap) Located next to the Located on the of your thigh Located on the of your thigh Located next to the
Hamstring Muscles muscles make up the hamstring It is located on the side of the leg Function:
Hamstring Muscles Origin: Back of Insertion: (inside & outside) hamstring muscle hamstring muscle hamstring muscle
Lower Leg Gastrocnemius Tibialis Anterior Extensor Digitorum Longus Peroneus Longus Peroneus Brevis
Gastrocnemius Function: (posterior) or depresses the foot when standing or walking; points the foot Origin: bottom of the Insertion: (calcaneus)
Tibialis Anterior Function: the foot muscle on your Origin: Insertion:
Extensor Digitorum Longus Function: Origin: top of and Insertion: (2-5) Located next to on the of the leg
Peroneus Longus Function: ; muscle (side of leg) Origin: Insertion: (1 st metatarsal)
Peroneus Brevis Function: ; muscle Origin: Insertion: (outside lower leg)