Irregular Verbs Ms. Frost-Guzzo Bite - Be
bite Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
bite PresentPastPast Participle bitebitbitten
freeze Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ??? 30º Fahrenheit or 0º Celsius
freeze PresentPastPast Participle freezefrozefrozen 30º Fahrenheit or 0º Celsius
spread Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
spread PresentPastPast Participle spread
swing Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
swing PresentPastPast Participle swingswung
tear Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
tear PresentPastPast Participle teartoretorn
swear Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
swear PresentPastPast Participle swearsworesworn
steal Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
steal PresentPastPast Participle stealstolestolen
shrink Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
shrink PresentPastPast Participle shrinkshrankshrunk
lose Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
lose PresentPastPast Participle loselost
The verb lose is not the same as: loose Loose is an adjective: loose pants tight pants
mean Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
mean PresentPastPast Participle meanmeant
shoot Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
shoot PresentPastPast Participle shootshot
think Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
think PresentPastPast Participle thinkthought
weep Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
weep PresentPastPast Participle weepwept
awake Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
awake PresentPastPast Participle awakeawokeawoken
wake Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
wake PresentPastPast Participle wakewokewoken
So, as you just saw on the previous slides, the irregular verbs awake and wake are synonyms. But awake is also an adjective which is the opposite of asleep. So, as you just saw on the previous slides, the irregular verbs awake and wake are synonyms. But awake is also an adjective which is the opposite of asleep. This girl is awake. However, this girl is asleep.
flee Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
flee PresentPastPast Participle fleefled
forget Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
forget PresentPastPast Participle forgetforgotforgotten
hang Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
hang PresentPastPast Participle hanghung
When you are talking about the death sentence - The verb hang is a regular verb: The prisoner was hanged.
seek Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
seek PresentPastPast Participle seeksought
shut Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
shut PresentPastPast Participle shut
stink Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
stink PresentPastPast Participle stinkstankstunk
weave Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
weave PresentPastPast Participle weavewovewoven
wind Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
wind PresentPastPast Participle windwound
strike Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
strike PresentPastPast Participle strikestruck
withdraw Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
withdraw PresentPastPast Participle withdrawwithdrewwithdrawn
speed Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
speed PresentPastPast Participle speedsped
deal Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
deal PresentPastPast Participle dealdealt
fly PresentPastPast Participle swimsswamswum ??? Can you list these verb forms?
fly PresentPastPast Participle flyflewflown
burst Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
burst PresentPastPast Participle burst
dig Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
dig PresentPastPast Participle digdug
be Can you list these verb forms? PresentPastPast Participle ???
be PresentPastPast Participle I am You are They are We are He is She is It is I was He was She was It was You were They were We were been