From Houghton Mifflin Text p Irregular verbs
Miles A. Minute runned past Ima Cumming for the win! What ’ s wrong with this caption ? ran
Some verbs have a special spelling to show past time. They have another spelling when used with has, have, or had. PresentPastWith has, have, or had gowenthas, have, or had gone seesawhas, have, or had seen dodidhas, have, or had done runranhas, have, or had run comecamehas, have, or had come givegavehas, have, or had given writewrotehas, have, or had written eatatehas, have, or had eaten taketookhas, have, or had taken growgrewhas, have, or had grown
Choose the correct verb for each sentence. I had ___________ the start of the race. see saw seen
Choose the correct verb for each sentence. Wheelchair racers have _________ well. do did done
Choose the correct verb for each sentence. Many racers ________ all twenty-six miles last year. run ran
Choose the correct verb for each sentence. One young man has __________ in first place. come came
Choose the correct verb for each sentence. He _________ home with a medal. go gone went
Which sentence is written correctly ? Click to check your answer. A.Grandpa give me camera for my birthday last year. B.I wrote him a thank-you note. C.I taken a picture to send to him.
Which sentence is written correctly ? Click to check your answer. A.We have grew sunflowers this year. B.I have took pictures of the sunflowers. C.Some insects had eaten a few of the flowers.
Which sentence is written correctly ? Click to check your answer. A.Amanda taked some of the watermelons home. B.The children have ate them. C.Ryan had given some seeds to Grandma.
Which sentence is written correctly ? Click to check your answer. A.Grandma wrote to Ryan and Amanda. B.One of her watermelons grown very large. C.She had took it to the fair.
Oh ! No ! The Editor of this newspaper is sick. He needs you to edit this article. It has 6 errors. Can you find them ? November 7, In 1962 John Glenn had went around Earth in a spacecraft. No other American had done that. Americans have saw him as a hero since then. In 1974 he run for the United States Senate and won. Nine days ago, John Glenn goed into space again. This time he done it at age seventy- seven. Once again he has came back to Earth in good health. Click here to see errors.
The Editor needs your help again. The Watermelon judge at the state fair submitted this announcement. Can you find its 6 errors ? I have ate many melons in my years as a judge. I had wrote in my journal about my search for the perfect melon. Today I ate some of Mrs. Vernon’s giant watermelon. Nobody has eat better fruit. I have gave that melon the blue ribbon. Mrs. Vernon has growed watermelons only once before. She has took us all by surprise. Click here to see errors.