At Young North
Mathematics at home Counting book Numbers 1-20 with pictures Cut out numbers in newspapers and magazines Play treasure hunt games Computer games using technology Look at 2D and 3D shapes around the house Play board games like ‘Snakes and Ladders’ Describing time – morning, noon, afternoon, night Setting the table- How many plates/knives/ forks/ bowls do we need? Sort pegs into colours- give me four yellow pegs, take 6 red pegs Smarties – sorting colours e.g. groups of 3 Walking up and down stairs
Mathematics when cooking Sorting colours Weighing things Measure liquid into containers Count number of cups of flour Shapes into a container- round, square Using cookie cutter shapes and make biscuits/ playdoh Mathematical language – in the cupboard, on the top/bottom shelf, left, right, forward, backwards Microwave playdoh Use smarties on each patty cake Egg timers
Mathematics whilst travelling Search for house/ shop numbers Make up number plate numbers Play “I spy” or look for 2 things starting with ‘w’ Play travel games- Bingo, dice, cards etc. How many cows in the paddock? Time activities – “We will be there in one hour” Lunch will be at 1 o’clock Clock times and games Mental activities – 4 blue cars and 1 green car. How many cares altogether?
Mathematics whilst shopping Count 5 green apples and 4 yellow bananas Weigh fruit Look at shapes – cylinders, spheres, rectangular prisms Put it away – after shopping – sort items for cupboard, fridge, freezer Look at shopping catalogues – especially toys and discuss where to buy, cost etc. Text books- colours, shapes, numbers Sticker books Stickers of numbers
Extra ideas Always focus on interests Play any games requiring number or logic – chess, draughts Ordinal numbers- 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd Make models with Lego, build a Barbie house, DIY a wooden dinosaur, manipulate play doh
By the end of kindergarten your child will…… Count to 30 Read and write numbers to 30 Represent addition by joining two groups together Take objects away from a group Share into equal groups Make, describe and continue a simple pattern Recognise symmetry in pictures and the environment Identify and sort 2D shapes. Squares, triangles, rectangles, circles Sort and compare 3D objects Describe position of objects using everyday language Compare length, mass, area and volume of objects Uses and understand term describing time Name and order days of the week