Control & Monitoring System Update Contributors: Brian Martlew - Daresbury Laboratory - STFC James Leaver - Imperial College Pierrick Hanlet - Fermilab
17/10/ Management ‘Reshuffle’ New Online Group recently announced –Aims to ensure smooth running of data acquisition, controls & monitoring, online reconstruction & MLCR Controls & Monitoring Leader (JL): –Identify control requirements of each section of MICE –Decide on most appropriate solution –Coordinate the effort of those involved in implementing agreed solution Define work packages to be undertaken by DL or other appropriate groups in the Collaboration DL remain in charge of EPICS infrastructure - and continue to be most important EPICS resource James Leaver - Imperial College
17/10/ Infrastructure
17/10/ Individual Project Status Updates Decay Solenoid & Cryogenic System Hydrogen System Target Target Beam Loss Monitors Fermilab Beam Position Monitors Tracker James Leaver - Imperial College
17/10/ Decay Solenoid & Cryogenic System Implemented automatic operation sequences for warm up & cool down of cryo system Separate PID loop control of either pressure or level with automatic selection based on real-time measurements Readout of the Linde fridge via EPICS using an OPC (OLE for Process Control) gateway Remote monitoring of the fridge via a web interface Upgrades to the EPICS control system to include additional vacuum monitoring & interlocks Further upgrades in progress to control additional instrumentation on the insulating vacuum Brian Martlew - Daresbury Laboratory
17/10/ Hydrogen System Training on Functional Safety Requirements (IEC61508) & techniques for the selection of an appropriate System Integrity Level (SIL) for control & monitoring of Hydrogen System Various PLC systems under evaluation for use in control of Hydrogen System & integration into EPICS for remote monitoring Brian Martlew - Daresbury Laboratory
17/10/ Target Design of extra monitoring & interlocks for Target Chiller complete Test & commissioning will take place in near future Addition of a “dip permit” derived from combination of Personnel Safety & temperature monitoring interlocks Brian Martlew - Daresbury Laboratory
17/10/ Target Beam Loss Monitors BLM IOC supplies interface to data archive written by local DAQ Clients provide virtual scope display, history plots & analysis Functionally complete –Refinements in progress Pierrick Hanlet - Fermilab DAQ
17/10/ FNAL Beam Position Monitors FNAL BPM software complete Added temperature monitoring for electrical safety Used for BPM calibration last month James Leaver - Imperial College
17/10/ Tracker AFEIIt configuration, control & monitoring software complete Successfully tested with DATE using Tracker 1 cosmic ray stand – Has become default control system for normal operation Finalisation of DATE integration details required James Leaver - Imperial College
17/10/ Suggested Improvements Currently have a collection of EPICS-compatible subsystems need to combine into single integrated control system –Use Alarm Handler Standard EPICS tool that can warn operators of dangerous/abnormal conditions (if properly configured) Input from MICE community: which systems/parameters should trigger alarms? –Extend use of Archiver Presently used for cryo monitoring - not yet widely used elsewhere Input from MICE community: which parameters should be archived? –Further use of web interfaces for remote monitoring –Scripting languages for automation Perl, Python, Tcl/Tk, etc. –Above all, make use of the vast range of existing EPICS solutions – DON’T REINVENT THE WHEEL! Brian Martlew - Daresbury Laboratory
17/10/ Conclusions & Next Steps Good progress with individual projects Need concerted effort to integrate all existing systems into a coherent whole –Using existing EPICS tools wherever possible Need to agree upon what additional controls/monitors are required… …and establish standard routines for initiating & coordinating new work Any help & suggestions from the MICE community are most welcome James Leaver - Imperial College