Pre-Algebra Enrichment


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Presentation transcript:

Pre-Algebra Enrichment 5-1 to 5-5 Review Pre-Algebra Enrichment

Classifying Angles Acute angle- An angle that measures less than 90 degrees. Obtuse angle- An angle that measures more than 90 degrees and less that 180 degrees. Right Angle- An angle that measures 90 degrees.

Question #1 If an angle is 180 degrees it is a(n)… Right Angle Straight Angle Obtuse Angle Acute Angle

Your answer was incorrect, please try again! Sorry! Your answer was incorrect, please try again!

Great job! It is a straight angle. Please continue. Correct! Great job! It is a straight angle. Please continue.

Classifying Triangles (based on sides) Equilateral Triangle- A triangle with three equal sides Isosceles Triangle- A triangle with at least two equal sides Scalene Triangle- A triangle with no equal sides

Classifying Triangles (based on angles) Right Triangle- A triangle containing a right angle Acute Triangle- A triangle that has three acute angles Obtuse Triangle- A triangle that has one obtuse angle and two acute angles Equiangular Triangle- A triangle that has three equal angles

Question #1A If a triangle has three equal sides it is called… Equiangular Equilateral Isosceles Scalene

OOPS! Sorry, that was incorrect, you better review your triangle information and then try again!

Congratulations! You know your stuff! Continue on to further test your triangle knowledge.

Question #2 A triangle with an angle greater than 90 degrees is called… An acute triangle An isosceles triangle An obtuse triangle A right triangle

Your answer was incorrect, please try again! Sorry! Your answer was incorrect, please try again!

Great job! It is an obtuse triangle. Please continue. Correct! Great job! It is an obtuse triangle. Please continue.

Question #3 What kind of triangle is this: Right Triangle Scalene Triangle Neither Right or Scalene Both Right and Scalene

Remember to look at both the Incorrect! Please try again! Remember to look at both the sides and the angles!

The triangle is both right and scalene. Correct! Great job! The triangle is both right and scalene.

General Triangle Properties Triangles are three-sided polygons. All triangles have an angle sum of 180 degrees based on the Triangle Sum Theorem.

Question #4 A triangle with 4 sides must have an angle sum of: 180 360 240 A triangle cannot have 4 sides.

OOPS! You better look back over the material!

No triangle can have 4 sides! Excellent! You can't be fooled! No triangle can have 4 sides!

Question #5 What is the angle sum of: 360 degrees 180 degrees 270 degrees There is no way of knowing what the angle sum is.

Sorry! You better try again!

Great Job! Correct, no matter what the triangle, the angle sum will always be 180 degrees!

Angle Pairs: Complementary Angles- angles that have measures that add to 90 degrees. Supplementary Angles- angles that have measures that add to 180 degrees.

Question #6 The following angles are considered… Complementary Supplementary Complementary and Supplementary None of the Above

Sorry that is incorrect, remember the definitions that you learned.

The answer is complementary. Correct! Great Job! The answer is complementary.

Question #7 A 6 sided figure is called what and has a degree measure of what? Hexagon, 540 Hexagon, 720 Heptagon, 540 Heptagon, 720

OOPS! Thats not right! Please try again!

Excellent! You are correct! It is a hexagon with an angle sum of 720 degrees.

Congruency Congruent is another word for equal.

Question #8 The second angle of a triangle is two times the measure of the first angle. The third angle is 3 times the measure of the second angle what is the measure of each angle? 1st- 30º, 2nd- 60º, and 3rd- 90º 1st- 20º, 2nd- 40º, and 3rd- 120º 1st- 20º, 2nd- 60º, and 3rd- 100º

That answer is incorrect, Sorry! That answer is incorrect, you better try again!

Great Job You are right!

Question #9 If two sides of a triangle are said to be congruent that means that they are different lengths. True or False. True False

Are you sure this statement is true?? Incorrect Are you sure this statement is true?? Please try again!

The sides would be the same if they were congruent, not different! Correct Great Job! The sides would be the same if they were congruent, not different!

Transversals of Parallel Lines A transversal is a line that intersects any two or more other lines. When a transversal intersects parallel lines the angles formed have the following properties: 1. All acute angles formed are congruent. 2. All obtuse angles formed are congruent. 3. Any acute angle is supplementary to any obtuse angle formed.

Question #10 What types of angles are 4 and 6? Corresponding Angles Alternate Interior Angles Alternate Exterior Angles

OOPS! You better look back over the material! Please try again!

The angles are Alternate Interior Angles. Excellent! Great Job! The angles are Alternate Interior Angles.

Question #11 What types of angles are 2 and 6? The angles are alternate interior. The angles are corresponding. The angles are vertical. Not enough information.

Wrong Answer Look more carefully, please try again!

The angles are corresponding. Correct Great Job! The angles are corresponding.

Question #12 What types of angles are 1 and 7? Vertical Angles Corresponding Angles Alternate Exterior Angles Alternate Interior Angles

response. You better look OOPS! This is not the correct response. You better look back over the material.

These angles are alternate exterior angles. Great Job! You cannot be tricked! These angles are alternate exterior angles.

Slope The slope of any line is: Vertical Change Horizontal Change Which is the same as: Rise Run

Question #13 What is the slope of the top line? -1 2 -2

This is not the right response. Incorrect This is not the right response. Please try again.

The slope of this line is 1. Correct Great Job! The slope of this line is 1.

Question #14 What is the slope of this line? 1 Not enough information.

OOPS! You better look over this stuff a bit more and try again.

horizontal line will always be 0. Great Job You are right! The slope of any horizontal line will always be 0.

Question # 15 What is the slope of this line? Undefined -1 Not Enough Information

Sorry That is not right, you better try again!

vertical line is always Excellent Great Job! The slope of any vertical line is always undefined.

The End! Congratulations! You should now be ready for your quiz tomorrow!