The Computer Labs are a valuable tool for learning at Prattville High School While in the labs, students will Follow appropriate code of conduct. Adhere to copyright laws. Practice safe Internet use.
Section 1 Rules of the Classroom
Store your books and personal items on the floor beside your chair as you come into the lab. Aisles should never be obstructed.
No food or drink is allowed in the computer lab.
Good posture is essential in reducing the possibility of injury at the computer station Adjusting the workstation includes: Adjusting monitor to eye level Adjusting chair height Keep all hardware parts within easy reach Sit up straight with feet flat on the floor
The Computer Lab is a classroom. If there is an equipment problem, you should inform the teacher. You should not unplug equipment without permission and you should not try to fix the computer without my permission You are here to work on your assignment. You are not here to “play”. Running in the lab is never permitted. You should always use a surge protector to protect your computer. If you use the computer for any purpose other than your assignment, it will be considered computer misuse.
Students are not permitted to Change the desktop in any way. Change the screensaver. Delete, move, or rename any files unless given permission to do so. Install software downloaded from the Internet or any other source. Install or open chat programs such as Instant Messenger. Use computer games like Solitaire without teacher permission.
1st Offense: Student is removed from computer for the rest of the class period and will work at a table. 2nd Offense: Detention – student will clean my room either before school, during break, or after school. 3rd Offense: Student will be written up. Students are responsible for repair or replacement of deliberately damaged equipment.
Computer Misuse Autauga County Schools Discipline Policy: Minor incidents of computer fraud and tampering. Unauthorized use of hardware or software can be considered to be “hacking.” Examples: playing games, downloading, or attempting to access inappropriate material 1.First Offense: School Designated Action or Detention (1 day) 2.Second Offense: School Designated Action or Detention (3 days) 3.Third Offense: School Designated Action or Detention (5 days)
Section 2 Technology Ethics
Use good manners. Be polite. Have respect for the property of others. Be honest – do your own work.
Almost everything created after March 1, 1989 is protected by copyright. It does not have to have a copyright notice on it. the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.: works granted such right by law on or after January 1, 1978, are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 50 years after his or her death.rightcopiesright
Music and software are copyrighted. You buy the right to use the disc, but you do not own the product. It is illegal to copy CDs if you have not purchased the license to do so.
Information, pictures, and music acquired from the Internet is copyrighted. Students must cite the source of reference information and images used in multimedia presentations. Pictures must have copyright information next to the image:
When information is acquired from a website, the website author and Internet address of the site must be “cited” in a bibliography, works cited slide, etc. Example: Hong Kong Disneyland. Photograph. Encyclopeadia Britannica Online. Web. 14 Aug
Section 3 Internet Safety
Stay Safe While you Surf… Never reveal personal information about yourself (name, address, age, phone number). Never give anyone your Social Security number, credit card numbers, or your parents’ names. Never arrange to meet someone face-to-face you have only met on-line. Don’t share photos of yourself with someone you have only met on-line. Blogs and chat rooms are not safe. Don’t share passwords with anyone except your parents and teachers. If you see anything on the computer that makes you feel uncomfortable, you should tell an adult
Computer use is a privilege you should not take for granted. Following the guidelines presented today will help you have a successful experience.