Masquerade Ball Dave Falcone Program Board
Friday, April 12, 2013 Great Room/Tent Up lighting – Great Room Black pipe and drape - GR Black linens and white roses – Tent and GR Black drape across the cross bracings – GR
Marketing Mardi Gras Mask Marketing Large Banner Kiosks (2) Window Cling
Funding Estimated 600 $12 tickets Aramark Catering $13,500 Marketing $300 Mask Marketing $50 WCUA $150 Up Lighting $1,000 Total $15,000 Ticket Sales $7,200 Net Price $7,800
Funding Estimated 600 $12 tickets Tent w/ stage, dance floor, etc $7,000 Aramark Catering $15,000 Marketing $300 Mask Marketing $50 WCUA $150 Total $22,500 Ticket Sales $7,200 Net Price $15,300