Formation of Mineral Deposits Endogenous Processes Magmatic concentration Metamorphism/Metasomatism Hydrothermal process Exogenous Processes Weathering & Supergen enrichment Chemical deposition Mechanical concentration
With an ore body 4km long and 80m wide and lying at a depth of 2km, Kiruna is one of the world’s largest, most modern underground iron ore mines. At present, approximately 800Mt of ore, only one third of the original ore body, has been extracted.
EL LACO MAGNETITE DEPOSIT Bedded hematite ash and lappilli. This deposit is composed of loose, uncemented, material that can be dug out by hand..
Plate Tectonics and Mineralization
Distribution of major tectonic plates
Classifications of Mineral Deposits
Simple genetic classification of minerals deposits Magmatic mineral deposits concentrated in igneous rocks; Residual mineral deposits formed by weathering reactions at the earth’s surface. Placer deposits are sorted and distributed by flow of transporting media such as water, wind and ice; Sedimentary mineral deposits are precipitated from a solution, typically sea water; Metamorhogenic mineral deposits form in association with metamorphism Hydrothermal mineral deposits form in association with magma and water;