Learning objectives 1) Understand the importance of communication 2) Commit to 1-2 areas to improve 3) Become more effective presenters Objectives
How many of you believe that the ability to communicate is linked to your success? The Big Question! It is not enough to be brilliant with great ideas, you must be able to communicate!
Effective Presentations Areas I Promise to Work On 10 Ideas 10 Tips Development Areas The Gold Nugget Theory
“Most of us spend about 7 out of every 10 waking hours communicating. 75% of our communication is by speech.” - How to Speak like a Pro Leon Fletcher
Think of someone that you think is a great communicator and write their name down. The person can be a man or woman, someone you know personally or someone you know of, someone at work or someone in the community, living or deceased. Exercise List their key skills, traits, and characteristics !
Tip #1 Know the audience l What is in it for them? l What do they already know? l How many? l Status, power makers, decision makers? l Common ground? l Current situation or problem
l Is this need to know or nice to know? l Are they culturally diverse? l Were they out late last night? l Do they need to catch an airplane? l Are they jet lag? As we leave this tip, write down 1 thing you can do to improve Tip #1 Know the audience
Tip #2 Sound like you care 3 Rate 3 Volume 3 Pitch 3 Resonance 3 Articulation As we leave this tip, write down 1 thing you can do to improve
Tip #3 Have great content 4 Know your stuff 4 Structure the message 4 Use Powerful, Positive language 4 Repeat, Repeat, Repeat
Strategic Structure Opening Key Point Closing What do I want my audience: To know? To do? To remember?
“I want to be real honest here when I say……” (was he lying?) “And that’s basically it.” “I guess I could head this off by saying….” “I just kinda wanted to start with some history here……” Heard these before!?
Use Stories/Examples 3Be concise 3Be relevant 3Contrast 3Develop the character (s) 3Made for TV movie As we leave this tip, write down 1 thing you can do to improve
Tip #4 Speak their language l Adjust your language for the audience l Eliminate slang and jargon l Eliminate Mars language
Tip # 5 Keep them Interested Audience Interest OpeningKey PointKey PointClosing As we leave this tip, write down 1 thing you can do to improve
Tip #6 Use Effective Visuals l Avoid verbal/visual interference l Make visual aids VISUAL and simple l 65 MPH l Use different visuals
As we leave this tip, write down 1 thing you can do to improve I know you can ’ t see this but …...
Tip #7 Make a great impression 3 Look confident 3 Maintain eye contact 3 Use hand gestures 3 SMILE !!! 3 Choreograph the presentation 3 Stand up straight 3 Proxemics 3 Enjoy
Effective Communication Albert Mehrabian, PhD UCLA, Silent Messages, Mehrabian & Ferris, % 55% 7% Sound & Tone Visual Content As we leave this tip, write down 1 thing you can do to improve
Tip # 8 Know the “environment” l Room set up l Equipment l Day/time l Noise level l Temperature l Location As we leave this tip, write down 1 thing you can do to improve
Tip #9 Prepare for Q & A Common mistakes during Q & A 3 The speaker gives too much information The speaker doesn ’ t answer the question 3 The speaker tries to answer every question 3 Q&A is the conclusion Composure can speak as loudly - or more loudly- than content. Myles Martel, Mastering the Art of Q and A As we leave this tip, write down 1 thing you can do to improve
Tip # 10 Practice,Practice,Practice As we leave this tip, write down 1 thing you can do to improve