… is a naturally occurring, solid, with highly ordered atomic arrangement, homogeneous chemical composition. Minerals are formed by inorganic processes Mineral…….
Physical Properties
Magnetism Radioactivity Solubility in acids Sensory tests “odour, taste or feel” Other diagnostic properties
Silicates(most abundant): all contain the (Si) and (O) anions Carbonates : al contain the (CO 3 ) 2- anion Sulphates : all contain the (SO 4 ) 2- Halides : all contain at least 1 halogen anion (F -,CL -, Br -, I - ) Oxides : all contain at least O 2- anion Sulphides :all contain an S 2- anion Phosphates: all contain the (PO 4 ) -3 Most Common Groups
Olivine group Garnet group Aluminosilicate group Humite group Phenacite Nesosilicates
GroupNesosilicates ColourYellowish green, olive green, greenish black or reddish brown Hardness6.5-7 StreakWhite LustreVitreous SystemOrthorhombic End membersForsterite (Fe 2 SiO 4 ) Fayalite (Mg 2 SiO 4 ) Monticellite(CaMg SiO 4 ) Kirschsteinite (CaFeSi0 4 ) Olivine
Group ColourVariable with composition Hardness StreakWhite LustreVitreous to resinious Crystal SystemIsometric End membersPyrope, Almandine, Spessartine, Andradite, Grossular, Uvarovite, Hydrogrossular Garnet Group (Mg 2+,Fe 2+,Mn 2+,) 3 Al 2 Si 3 O 12 – Ca 3 (Fe 3+ Al 3+,Cr 3+ ) 2 Si 3 O 12
Group Colour Hardness Streak Lustre Crystal System End membersSillimanite, Kynaite and Andalusite Aluminosilicate (Al 2 SiO 5 )
Pyroxene group Amphibole group Pyroxenoid group Inosilicates group
Group Inosilicates ColourBlack Hardness StreakBlack LustreGlassy or metallic SystemOrthorhombic or monoclinic End membersEnstatite, Ferrosilite, Diopside,hedenbergite Cleavage2 planes that meet at 90 degree Pyroxene(XYZ 2 O 6 ) X= Na +, Ca 2+, Mn 2+, Fe 2+, Mg 2+ and Li + Y= Mn2+,Fe2+Fe3+,Cr3+ and Ti4 + Z= Si 4+ and Al 3+
Anthophyllite Cummingtonite series Tremolite series Sodium amphibole Group Amphiboles
Mica group Serpentine group Chlorite group Clay mineral group Phyllosilicates
GroupMica ColourBlack or brown to red Hardness2.5-3 StreakWhite LustreVitreous CleavagePerfect cleavage in one direction Biotite
GroupClay ColourUsually white but other colours are known Hardness2 LustreDull earthy Crystal systemTriclinic Kaolinite
GroupMica ColourSilver-white sheen Hardness2.5-4 StreakWhite LustrePearly, vitreous CleavagePerfect cleavage Muscovite
Feldspar Group K-feldspar Plagioclase feldspar series Feldspathoid group Scapolite Tectosilicates
Alkali feldspar Microcline Sanidine
Orthoclase Alkali feldspar
GroupSilicate ColourVariety of colors Hardness7 Specific gravity2.66 StreakWhite LustreVitreous Crystal systemHexagonal Quartz(SiO 2 )
Calcite Magnisite Siderite Rhodochrosite Smithosonite Aragonite Dolomite Carbonates
GroupCarbonates ColourVariety of colors Hardness3 Streakwhite, grey LustreVitreous, pearly Calcite (CaCo 3 )
GroupCarbonates ColourColourless, white or brown Hardness3.5-4 StreakWhite LustrePearly, vitreous Crystal Systemtrigonal Dolomite CaMg(CO 3 ) 2
Hematite group Hematite Corundum Ileminte Spinel group Magnetite Chromite Gahnite Spinel Oxides
Hematite GroupHematite Group ColourRed to reddish brown Hardness5-6 StreakRed to brownish red LustreMetallic, submetallic Crystal SystemHexagonal
Magnetite (Fe 2 +Fe 3+ 2 O 4 ) GroupSpinel ColourBlack to metallic silver grey Hardness Streakblack LustreMetallic, dull Crystal SystemCubic