Author: Sokolovskaya Alexandra Class 9 “A” Secondary school N6 Gavrilov–Yam Teacher: Morozova M.R. 2008
I want to know about famous museums of Yaroslavl. I am interested in History and English. I like to visit museum, because I always learn something new. Now I want to tell about my favorite museums.
In the Museum of the History of the City there are 11 halls where you can learn about Yaroslavl from the moment of its foundation in the 12 th century up to nowadays. Yaroslavl in the history of Russia and a person in the history of Yaroslavl is the concept of the Museum’s exposition. Special attention is paid to the famous Yaroslavl citizens who made the city the way it is, and to the unique architecture of Yaroslavl
In the first private museum in Russia “Music and Time”, owned by J.Mostoslavsky, a unique collection of old clocks, musical instruments, bells, domestic utensils is presented. Visitors will be interested in the collection of old clocks from France and musical instruments made in Germany. I’ve been in this museum with my friends from musical school. It was fantastic! We saw different musical instruments. I’ve even played the piano!
The Literature-Memorial Museum-Preserve of N.A.Nekrasov “Karabikha” is located in the estate of the great Russian poet in the old settlement Karabikha 15 km from Yaroslavl. The estate in Karabikha is a beautiful architectural ensemble of classical style well preserved till our days. One of attractions of the museum is the park, which has two parts: the upper park with clear geometrical plan and the lower park with naturally growing trees, a pond and path, running in different directions. Every summer Nekrasov Festival of Poetry takes place in Karabikha.
The collection of the Yaroslavl Art Museum has more than 55 thousand works. In 1997 it was named “the best provincial museums of the year”. The collection is exhibited in two remarkable architectural monuments – the Metropolitan's Chambers and the Governor’s House. The game of the collection of the Old Russian Art of the 18 th – 19 th centuries in the Metropolitan's Chambers are the famous icons of the Yaroslavl school – “Saviour”, “Virgin of Tolga”, Deisus Rung. The best Yaroslavl tiles are exhibited here as well. The pride of the Russian paintings collection of the Museum is a number of K.A. Korovin’s works.
Yaroslavl portraits of the 1st half of the 19th century and the collection of china and glass (17th – 20th cc.) are interesting too. The Park – Museum “Governor’s Garden” is unique. Modern sculpture is displayed there, flower exhibitions are organized, and music often heard. The Museum house “The Theatre on Embankment”, which stages performances of Russian classical authors. The gallery of modern art “The Alley” organizes exhibition – sales of art works.
The Yaroslavl Historical – Architectural Museum – Preserve is situated on the territory of the former Monastery of Transfiguration of the Saviour. The museum, founded in 1895, possesses rich collection (more than 250,000 exhibits) of great historical and artistic value. The expositions of “The Lay of Igor’s Host”, opened in 1980, is of great interest. It is dedicated to the famous poem and has the richest collection of manuscripts and old printed books of the 18 th – 19 th centuries. I and my class have been in this museum. We’ve visited the Museum of Nature, the Historical Museum. The Excursions were exciting. I’d like to see the exhibits once more.
The Spassky Monastery (the Transfiguration of the Saviour Monastery) hosts the international festival of choir and bell music “Preobrazheniye”, Christmas, New Year, Shrovetide, and Ester celebration, concert of religious music. There one can have a rare opportunity to see the living symbol of Yaroslavl – the bear Masha.
I think, it’s always very interesting to go to the museums. We learn something new, we meet different people. When you’ve read my presentation, you had a good chance to do a virtual excursions in the museums of Yaroslavl. Did you like them?
Helena Ankudinova, Dmitry Tsapuk, Nikolay Galimsky, Yaroslavl Region Land of ancient Russian towns Irina Stin, Yaroslavl Yury Bychkov, Vladimir Desyatnikov, Around the GOLDEN RING of Russia