The Nixon Administration President Richard M. Nixon tried to steer the country in a conservative direction and away from federal control.


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Presentation transcript:

The Nixon Administration President Richard M. Nixon tried to steer the country in a conservative direction and away from federal control.

DOMESTIC POLICY Believed Federal Government was too large Believed Federal Government was too large Increased Social Security payments Increased Social Security payments Evironmental issues Evironmental issues Against school busing Against school busing Took stand against drug crime Took stand against drug crime New Federalism: Local govts could regulate spending New Federalism: Local govts could regulate spending

Domestic Policies Sought to put conservative judges on court Sought to put conservative judges on court Pushed forward Affirmative Action Pushed forward Affirmative Action

Commitment to Environment All federal programs condensed into E.P.A. All federal programs condensed into E.P.A. Clean Air Act Clean Air Act Water Quality Improvement Act (oil spills) Water Quality Improvement Act (oil spills) OSHA- safe employment OSHA- safe employment 26 th amendment- lowered voting age 26 th amendment- lowered voting age Apollo 10- moon Landing- Armstrong Apollo 10- moon Landing- Armstrong

Nixon’s agenda was to decrease the size and influence of the federal government.. Nixon’s agenda was to decrease the size and influence of the federal government..

New Federalism: distribute a portion of federal power to state and local governments. New Federalism: distribute a portion of federal power to state and local governments. Revenue sharing: state and local governments could spend their federal dollars however they saw fit within certain limitations. Revenue sharing: state and local governments could spend their federal dollars however they saw fit within certain limitations.

At first Nixon cooperated with Congress, which Democrats controlled. Soon he refused to spend money voted by Congress on programs that he did not like. The Supreme Court ruled this action unconstitutional. At first Nixon cooperated with Congress, which Democrats controlled. Soon he refused to spend money voted by Congress on programs that he did not like. The Supreme Court ruled this action unconstitutional.

Beginning a policy of law and order, Nixon enlisted the CIA and IRS to harass his political “enemies” – liberals and dissidents. Beginning a policy of law and order, Nixon enlisted the CIA and IRS to harass his political “enemies” – liberals and dissidents.

Nixon hoped to bolster his political support, especially in the South, to ensure his re-election. He tried to slow school integration, but the Supreme Court ordered the administration to move more quickly. He also named conservatives to fill vacancies in the Supreme Court. Nixon hoped to bolster his political support, especially in the South, to ensure his re-election. He tried to slow school integration, but the Supreme Court ordered the administration to move more quickly. He also named conservatives to fill vacancies in the Supreme Court.

Nixon attempted to stop the integration of schools through busing. In 1971, the Supreme Court ruled in Charlotte- Mecklenburg Board of Education that school districts may bus students to other schools to end the pattern of all-black and all-white schools. Nixon attempted to stop the integration of schools through busing. In 1971, the Supreme Court ruled in Charlotte- Mecklenburg Board of Education that school districts may bus students to other schools to end the pattern of all-black and all-white schools.

Stagnation A stagnant economy trouble the country. By 1973, the inflation rate had doubled A stagnant economy trouble the country. By 1973, the inflation rate had doubled unemployment rate was up 50%. unemployment rate was up 50%. The causes: Vietnam War, The causes: Vietnam War, growing foreign competition, growing foreign competition, the difficulty of finding jobs for millions of new workers. the difficulty of finding jobs for millions of new workers.

Another problem was reduced supply of and higher prices for oil and gasoline. Nixon’s efforts to lower prices did not work. Another problem was reduced supply of and higher prices for oil and gasoline. Nixon’s efforts to lower prices did not work.

During the 60s, America received much of its petroleum from the oil- producing Middle East. Many of these countries belonged to a cartel called OPEC. During the 60s, OPEC gradually raised oil prices. During the 60s, America received much of its petroleum from the oil- producing Middle East. Many of these countries belonged to a cartel called OPEC. During the 60s, OPEC gradually raised oil prices.

In 1973, the Yom Kippur War broke out, with Israel against Egypt and Syria. When the United States sent massive military aid to Israel, its longtime ally, the Arab OPEC nations responded by cutting off all oil sales to the United States. In 1973, the Yom Kippur War broke out, with Israel against Egypt and Syria. When the United States sent massive military aid to Israel, its longtime ally, the Arab OPEC nations responded by cutting off all oil sales to the United States.

When OPEC resumed selling its oil to the United States in 1974, the price had quadrupled. This sharp rise in oil prices only worsened the problem of inflation. When OPEC resumed selling its oil to the United States in 1974, the price had quadrupled. This sharp rise in oil prices only worsened the problem of inflation.

Henry Kissinger Henry Kissinger. Kissinger introduced realpolitik: stating that foreign policy should be based on consideration of a nation’s power, not its philosophy or beliefs. Henry Kissinger. Kissinger introduced realpolitik: stating that foreign policy should be based on consideration of a nation’s power, not its philosophy or beliefs.

Detente Nixon and Kissinger introduced détente, a policy aimed at easing Cold War tensions. Nixon and Kissinger introduced détente, a policy aimed at easing Cold War tensions.

In 1972, he visited Communist China. This reversed past U.S. policy, which had refused to formally recognize the Communist rulers there. In 1972, he visited Communist China. This reversed past U.S. policy, which had refused to formally recognize the Communist rulers there.

SALT Three months later, Nixon went to the Soviet Union. These moves were widely popular. With the Soviets, he signed the Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (SALT), which limited nuclear weapons. Three months later, Nixon went to the Soviet Union. These moves were widely popular. With the Soviets, he signed the Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (SALT), which limited nuclear weapons.

Nixon Re-elected Foreign policy triumphs helped Nixon easily win re-election. Foreign policy triumphs helped Nixon easily win re-election.

Nixon and Watergate

The Election of 1968 Richard Nixon only narrowly won the 1968 election, but the combined total of popular votes for Nixon and Wallace indicated a shift to the right in American politics. The 1960's began as an era of optimism and possibility and ended in disunity and distrust. The Vietnam war and a series of assassinations and crises eroded public trust in government and produced a backlash against liberal movements and the Democratic party.

The Election of 1968 Nixon campaigned as a champion of the "silent majority," the hardworking Americans who paid taxes, did not demonstrate, and desired a restoration of "law and order.” He vowed to restore respect for the rule of law, reconstitute the stature of America, dispose of ineffectual social programs, and provide strong leadership to end the turmoil of the 1960's.

Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers Daniel Ellsberg was an employee of the Defense Department who leaked a classified assessment of the Vietnam War in The 7,000 page document came to be known as the Pentagon Papers.

Pentagon Papers They cast doubt on the justification for entry into the war and revealed that senior government officials had serious misgivings about the war. They cast doubt on the justification for entry into the war and revealed that senior government officials had serious misgivings about the war. When the New York Times and Washington Post began to publish the Pentagon Papers, the Nixon Administration sued them. When the New York Times and Washington Post began to publish the Pentagon Papers, the Nixon Administration sued them.

The White House Plumbers After the release of the Pentagon Papers, the White House created a unit to ensure internal security. This unit was called the Plumbers because they stopped leaks. Howard HuntG. Gordon Liddy James McCordChuck Colson

White House Plumbers In 1971 they burglarized the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist, seeking material to discredit him. In 1971 they burglarized the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist, seeking material to discredit him. It was later revealed that Nixon’s domestic advisor John Ehrlichman knew of and approved the plan. It was later revealed that Nixon’s domestic advisor John Ehrlichman knew of and approved the plan.

The Watergate Break-in When initial polls showed Nixon in the Election of 1972, the Plumbers turned their activities to political espionage. On 17 June 1972, 5 men were arrested while attempting to bug the headquarters of the Democratic Party inside the Watergate building in Washington D.C.

One of the men arrested, James McCord, was the head of security for the Republican Party. One of the men arrested, James McCord, was the head of security for the Republican Party. The Nixon campaign denied any involvement. The Nixon campaign denied any involvement.

Woodward, Bernstein and the Washington Post Watergate came to public attention largely through the work of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, investigative reporters from the Washington Post.

Despite enormous political pressure, Post editor Ben Bradlee, publisher Katherine Graham, Woodward and Bernstein, aided by an enigmatic source nicknamed “Deepthroat” kept the story in the public consciousness until Nixon’s resignation. Despite enormous political pressure, Post editor Ben Bradlee, publisher Katherine Graham, Woodward and Bernstein, aided by an enigmatic source nicknamed “Deepthroat” kept the story in the public consciousness until Nixon’s resignation.

Watergate Enters the Nixon Campaign The break-in was eventually tied to the Nixon reelection campaign through a $25,000 check from a Republican donor that was laundered through a Mexican bank and deposited in the account of Watergate burglar Bernard Barker.

Later it was discovered that Former Attorney General John Mitchell, head of Nixon’s “Committee to Re-Elect the President,” (CREEP) controlled a secret fund for political espionage. Later it was discovered that Former Attorney General John Mitchell, head of Nixon’s “Committee to Re-Elect the President,” (CREEP) controlled a secret fund for political espionage. Mitchell would later go to prison for his role in the scandal Mitchell would later go to prison for his role in the scandal

The Election of 1972 Despite the growing stain of Watergate, which had not yet reached the President, Nixon won by the largest margin in history to that point.

The Watergate Investigations: Judge John Sirica Watergate came to be investigated by a Special Prosecutor, a Senate committee, and by the judge in the original break- in case. Judge Sirica refused to believe that the burglars had acted alone.

In March 1973, defendant James W. McCord sent a letter to Sirica confirming that it was a conspiracy. In March 1973, defendant James W. McCord sent a letter to Sirica confirming that it was a conspiracy. Sirica’s investigation transformed Watergate from the story of a “third-rate burglary” to a scandal reaching the highest points in government. Sirica’s investigation transformed Watergate from the story of a “third-rate burglary” to a scandal reaching the highest points in government.

Senate Investigation and the Oval Office Tapes The Senate began hearings into Watergate in May The hearings were televised in their entirety.

They focused on when the President knew of the break-in. They focused on when the President knew of the break-in. In June 1973, former White House legal counsel John Dean delivered devastating testimony that implicated Nixon from the earliest days of Watergate. In June 1973, former White House legal counsel John Dean delivered devastating testimony that implicated Nixon from the earliest days of Watergate.

Senate Investigation and the Oval Office Tapes The Administration was eager to discredit Dean and his testimony so it began to release factual challenges to his account.

When former White House aide Alexander Butterfield was asked about the source of the White House information, he revealed the existence of an automatic taping system that Nixon had secretly installed in the Oval Office. When former White House aide Alexander Butterfield was asked about the source of the White House information, he revealed the existence of an automatic taping system that Nixon had secretly installed in the Oval Office. These tapes would become the focus of the investigation. These tapes would become the focus of the investigation.

The Smoking Gun Tapes When the Supreme Court forced Nixon to surrender the tapes. Nixon was implicated from the earliest days of the cover-up: authorizing the payment of hush money attempting to use the CIA to interfere with the FBI investigation.

One tape has an 18 ½ minute gap. One tape has an 18 ½ minute gap. Nixon’s secretary Rosemary Woods demonstrated how she could have inadvertently erased the tape, but no one bought it. Nixon’s secretary Rosemary Woods demonstrated how she could have inadvertently erased the tape, but no one bought it. “The smoking gun tapes,” were released in August 1974, just after the House Judiciary Committee approved Articles of Impeachment against Nixon. “The smoking gun tapes,” were released in August 1974, just after the House Judiciary Committee approved Articles of Impeachment against Nixon.

The Saturday Night Massacre The Administration reached an agreement with the Senate Watergate Committee that its Chairman would be allowed to listen to tapes and provide a transcript to the Committee and to Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. Archibald Cox

The deal broke down when Cox refused to accept the transcripts in place of the tapes. The deal broke down when Cox refused to accept the transcripts in place of the tapes. Since the Special Prosecutor is an employee of the Justice Department, Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Cox. Since the Special Prosecutor is an employee of the Justice Department, Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Cox.

The Saturday Night Massacre When Richardson refused, he was fired. Nixon ordered Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus to fire Cox. When he refused, he was fired..” Robert Bork

Nixon then ordered Solicitor General Robert Bork (who was later nominated for the Supreme Court by Reagan) to fire Cox and he complied. Nixon then ordered Solicitor General Robert Bork (who was later nominated for the Supreme Court by Reagan) to fire Cox and he complied. The Washington Post reported on the “Saturday Night Massacre.” The Washington Post reported on the “Saturday Night Massacre.”

Nixon Resigns On 27 July 1974, the House Judiciary Committee approved Articles of Impeachment against Nixon. The House was to vote on the matter soon. Nixon conceded that impeachment in the House was likely, but he believed that the Senate vote to remove him would fail.

On 5 August 1974, when the “smoking gun tape” became public, a delegation from the Republican National Committee told Nixon that he would not survive the vote in the Senate. On 5 August 1974, when the “smoking gun tape” became public, a delegation from the Republican National Committee told Nixon that he would not survive the vote in the Senate. On 9 August 1974, Richard Nixon became the first American president to resign. On 9 August 1974, Richard Nixon became the first American president to resign.

Aftermath More than 30 government officials went to prison for their role in Watergate. Richard Nixon was not one of them. In September 1974, President Gerald Ford gave Nixon a full pardon. Ford announcing the pardon

Aftermath Woodward and Bernstein won the Pulitzer Prize. Woodward and Bernstein won the Pulitzer Prize. They collaborated on 2 books, All the President’s Men and The Final Days. They collaborated on 2 books, All the President’s Men and The Final Days. In 1976 All the President’s Men was adapted into an Oscar winning film. In 1976 All the President’s Men was adapted into an Oscar winning film. The identity of Deepthroat was kept secret until W. Mark Felt unmasked himself in The identity of Deepthroat was kept secret until W. Mark Felt unmasked himself in 2005.

Nixon Resigns When the tapes were finally released, it was clear that Nixon had known of the cover-up. On August 8, 1974, he resigned but defiantly refused to admit guilt. When the tapes were finally released, it was clear that Nixon had known of the cover-up. On August 8, 1974, he resigned but defiantly refused to admit guilt.

Accidental President Gerald Ford Vice President Gerald Ford, a career Congressional leader from Michigan ascends to the position of President of the United States, after never have been elected to national office. Vice President Gerald Ford, a career Congressional leader from Michigan ascends to the position of President of the United States, after never have been elected to national office.

WATERGATE SCANDAL Deep Throat: Wm Mark Felt Deep Throat: Wm Mark Felt 2 nd in command for the FBI 2 nd in command for the FBI Important source for Washington Post Important source for Washington Post Revealed in 2005 Revealed in 2005

Burglars Bernard Barker: died in 2009 never apologized Bernard Barker: died in 2009 never apologized Gonzalez: locksmith,lives in Miama Gonzalez: locksmith,lives in Miama McCord: Wrote “ McCord: Wrote “A Piece of Tape: The Watergate Story -- Fact and Fiction." McCord now resides in Rockville, Md.

Gordon Liddy orchestrated the Watergate break-in with E. Howard Hunt He spent four-and-a-half years in prison "Will." He currently hosts a popular syndicated conservative radio program, "The G. Gordon Liddy Show," acted in movies and television programs.

Howard Hunt Hunt eventually spent 33 months in prison at the low-security Federal Prison Camp Hunt eventually spent 33 months in prison at the low-security Federal Prison Camp