Born Oct. 1, 1910 in Rowena Texas Father passed away when 4 years old Mother moved family to live with grandparents Attended local school and received highest honor roll Aspired to be an actress or writer
2 nd year of High school she met Roy Thorton Fell in love and dropped out of school and got married two years later Married right before Bonnie’s 16 th birthday Matching tattoos of each others names on the back of their necks Split up a year later and never spoke again
Bonnie met Clyde Barrow the through mutual friends They fell in love instantly The Great Depression led them to small robberies that turned into more risky Clyde drove the runaway car and they forced their way through the states for two years becoming famous for their crimes and Bonnie’s poetry
CrimeDateVictimsPunishment Armed RobberyFeb 1932-deathnoneBriefly imprisoned for only a couple months Murder (1 st Degree) deaddeath Stole Cars nonedeath Kidnapping Over 25 policemen death Armed Robbery-The taking of money or goods in the possession of another, from his or her person or immediate presence, by force or intimidation 1 st Degree Murder-a killing which is deliberate and premeditated (planned, after lying in wait, by poison or as part of a scheme
This picture was on the cover of papers and everyone knew about it Stolen car Bonnie and Clyde used to get through country Shows the toughness Bonnie aspires to maintain around Clyde Bonnie wrote poetry while on the run that told the stories of all the crimes they commit together while in love
100’s both fiction and nonfiction Many twist offs Examples: Bonnie and Clyde On the Run with Bonnie and Clyde Life and Time of Bonnie and Clyde
Movie Bonnie and Clyde (1967) OlE OlE TV Show Bonnie and Clyde 2013 mini series XbI XbI
After on the run for 2 years, Bonnie and Clyde were stopped and met an ambush in Gibsland, Louisiana Both were shot at and killed by police
Bonnie was never a criminal until she fell in love with Clyde. His influence on her fragile state turned her into what she became known for. Since he was a robber, the most important thing to her was money. The worse the crimes were, the closer their relationship and love for each other became. Clyde’s values were to kill and run away for money. Bonnie followed right in his footsteps looking at him like he is her prince charming when really he is just a criminal. This theory really focuses on how one learns from the influencer. Bonnie could probably never shoot a gun or know how to run from the police with a bag of cash. Her background and childhood shows none of this for a future. The only think on Bonnie Parker’s mind during this rampage was Clyde. He was the most important factor to her new lifestyle and he is the reason she went to downhill. Bonnie Parker said herself, “Never go crooked. It’s for the love of a man that I'm gonna have to die. I don’t know when, but I know it cant be long.”