Sharing the Network It slices, it dices, it sequences ….. All of this and error checking too!
The World Before the Packet All Connections needed to be point to point –Terminal to Mainframe. –Point-to-Point: typically a leased line. Message Switched systems –Messages routed one hop at a time –Messages are not divided (by the network) –Forwarding stations need enough memory to hold message. –Prone to single point of failure.
How to Share a Wire? Frequency Slicing –Like Radio Stations –Used in Coaxial Ethernet (freq for Tx and Rx) Time Slicing –Each station gets a portion of time Spread Spectrum –Transmission is coded, decoded at Receiver –Bandwidth is larger than needed –Like being at a party. Lots of people talk at once, but you can make out individual conversations.
Packet Switching Theory developed in the 60s –Store and forward (still) –Messages are divided into Packets –Routing decisions are made by packet Redundant Links allow fault-tolerance All packets in a message need not travel the same path
OSI Transport Layer Sequencing: Assure proper packet order Network Failure Recovery: reestablish a broken connection Flow Control Error Recovery Connections: Establish and Termination Higher Protocol Addressing
TCP in the Stack of Things
TCP TCP provides a “shim” between applications and the Network Layer. Applications issue a single call to TCP. It takes care of the rest. TCP is connection-oriented –Provided reliable end-to-end communication –Accuracy over timeliness. TCP Packets have large overhead –32-bits: Source/Destination ports –64-bits Seq/Ack numbers –16-bits Flags –48-bits Window size/Checksum/Urgent Pointer –That’s 160 bits (minimum) of overhead
Establishing a TCP Connection Three Way Handshake SYN: Client->Server (on well known port) –Random sequence number –Client Port number SYN->ACK: Server-Client –Ack=Seq+1, –Server sets aside buffer space ACK: Client to Server –Seq=received ACK, Connection (Socket) created
Reliability Sequence numbers id each Byte –Allows for fragmentation, errors, loss ACK set to next expected Byte
Error Detection Sequence/Acknowledgement cover loss/duplication Checksum verifies (weakly) data
Flow Control Sliding Window –Receiver indicates size of receive buffer –Sender does not exceed size until Ack. –ACK can change size of receive buffer Congestion Control –Acks (or lack thereof) infer congestion –Retransmission Timers
TCP Uses Used where accuracy is important –My paycheck =1.5*10 3 (3 is 0011 in binary) –A 1-bit error could change my paycheck from $1500 to $1.50 or (better yet) $150,000,000,000 –A 1-bit error not import in say…. VOIP Used where speed is not important
User Datagram Protocol UDP: Best Effort (like Post Office) –No handshakes, reliability, ordering, data integrity –Very useful for small Query/Replies –DNS, Streaming, VOIP, TFTP,RIP, Header: –16-bits Source Port –16-bits Destination Port –16-bits Length –16-bits Checksum
Services Services are designated by “Ports” –Its just a number –0-1023: well-known (assigned by IANA) – : registered (loosely) – : dynamic/private ports used by clients when connecting to servers
Port 53: Domain Name System DNS –Converts IP name to Number –Typically used by other services –Can be invoked by command nslookup –UDP used for host lookups –TCP used for server-server updates (reliable)
Port 80 HTTP System of Interlinked (web) hypertext Docs Created by Tim Berners-Lee for CERN in 1989 to share scientific documents Before HTTP users used applications with arcane commands (I miss those days) Became popular in 1993 with release of the Mosaic Web Browser
Web Traffic