Schoolwide Fiscal Consolidation Jackie Godbout Maine Dept. of Education Title I Program Consultant February/March
Presentation Topics Timelines NCLB Application Changes Schoolwide Page Grant Reimbursement System Performance Report Changes MEDMS-IC Student Data 2
TIME LINE Schoolwide Plan is due July 1 or earlier. NCLB Application is due August 1. –Plan needs to be read, feedback provided, possible changes and resubmission, and acceptance. –SWP Page added to NCLB Application. 3
Preparing for the NCLB Application 4
Changes In NCLB Application Staff are not listed on Staff Information Page for that school. Separate Schoolwide Project Page No detailed budget line. All funds are grouped under OTHER to eliminate barriers on how the funds will be spent. 5
Schoolwide Application Page Item 1–Evaluation: Not completed the first year Item 2-Goals: Enter goals from Schoolwide Plan (3A) Item 3-Project Description (3A and 3B) Item 4-Outcomes/Performance Indicators: This is about student achievement Item 5—Project Budget: All Title IA and Title IIA funds indicated in chart will automatically go to the budget line in the 8000-Other category. 6
Schoolwide Application Page Item 5-Project Budget: Funds dedicated to the implementation of the schoolwide plan. Local School Building Funds is the means by which the State determines Supplement, not Supplant. Include instructional programming and support programs paid with State/Local $. Special Education Funds: Cannot exceed the amount the school would receive on a per pupil basis. IDEA Regs Title IA is the amount of Title I funds for the school. Cannot exceed the amount allowed under NCLB Law Section This amount is entered in Col. 8 or 9 on Ranking & Dist. Page. Title IIA funds to be used specifically for implementation of the professional development needed to implement the schoolwide plan. Other, Specify: Title VI funds, 21 st Century. 7
Preparing for Grant Reimbursement 8
Federal Grant Reimbursement All Title IA and IIA funds will be listed in “OTHER” category. Reimbursement requests must be made based on the object code category of the expense in the SAUs accounting system’s. Negative object code category balances will appear and are OK. 9
Preparing for the NCLB Performance Report 10
Changes in Performance Report - Expenses Expenditures are reported out on the budget line based on the object code category in the SAUs accounting system. 11
Changes in Performance Report - Data Demographic tables are broke out into multiple columns—TAS-SWP-NP-TOTAL. All students in the schoolwide school are counted for NCLB/Title I demographic purposes in the SWP column i.e. gender, ethnicity, grade level. No instructional services data is required. Highly Qualified Paraprofessional Chart rows C & D require a count of ALL instructional Ed Techs in the school and how many meet the HQ requirements. 12
Preparing for the NCLB Performance Report 13
MEDMS-IC STUDENT DATA No students need to be tagged as Title I for the schoolwide school. 14