Mathematics and Science Partnership Grants Post Award Meeting Kim Powell, Grants Manager Office of Science and Health Education Eric M. Rhoades, Director Office of Science and Health Education
Grant Awards Congratulations! Notice of Grant Awards will be sent to the Principal Investigator (PI) Award is for approximately 17 months (ends on September 30, 2016) for the first year of your project. MSP program is not one of the programs that is currently (as of May 2015) slated to be eliminated. It is expected to receive about the same appropriation as last year.
Project Activities Fall within scope of reviewed and approved grant proposal Target audience: Teachers and administrators, as written in your grant proposal Materials and expenses should directly relate to project activities and to approved budget –Title II, Part B funding – teacher training –Classroom sets of materials MAY NOT be purchased –Meals MAY NOT be purchased –Limited travel (as included in the grant proposal) –Out-of-state travel expenses are not permitted – e.g., national conferences
Budget & Reimbursements It is important that you align the expenditures with what is in the approved budget. All costs are on a reimbursement basis –Made after they are submitted in OMEGA (on paper for those not in OMEGA) and approved –At least 4 approvers at VDOE Notify Kim and me immediately if you will not fulfill the target number of participants
Budget & Reimbursements Budget change requests MUST be submitted by to Eric and Kim before entering in OMEGA Template is posted on MSP website on Finance & Reporting Tab
Award funds S366B must be encumbered by September 30, 2015 Award funds S366B must be encumbered by September 30, 2016 Budget & Reimbursements
Websites OMEGA User’s Guide and Training Videos ng/omega/index.shtml
Finance - OMEGA Online Management of Education Grant Awards DOE online system for grant reimbursements. Allows all involved with your grant direct access—you, your finance person, and DOE Will not let the grant overdraw budgets within object codes. More control Shorter turn-around approval time
Step 1: Fill out and Turn in User Permission Form (OP-G) Finance - OMEGA
Step 2: The OMEGA User's Guide (PDF) has step-by-step instructions for creating, submitting, and approving object code transfer requests, reimbursement requests, and application requests.User's Guide Finance - OMEGA
Reimbursement Requests Describe expense with some detail –1000 and 2000 – Individual(s) name must be noted in comments when submitting reimbursement request in OMEGA –Stipends for participant teachers: “Joe Teacher – teacher stipend” –Indirect costs: “calculated at X% for the month of March”
Reimbursement Requests Only expenses that are in the grant will be accepted Please DO NOT WAIT to send in reimbursement requests Please submit first request by July 31, 2015 – We suggest that reimbursements be submitted on a quarterly basis (if not monthly). –Remember to use the S366B fund first. Paper submissions MUST be signed in blue ink (non-public IHEs only)
1000 Personal ServicesPublicUnspecified 2000 Employee BenefitsPublicUnspecified 4000 Internal ServicesPublicUnspecified Service CenterMonthly Telephone Charges - 05/31/ Other ChargesPublicUnspecified"Brown, Betty” Travel – Roundtrip mileage from Richmond to York to do math video 5000 Other ChargesPublicUnspecified"Doe, Jane" Lodging at Hampton Inn in Richmond for Algebra Conference attendee on 4/15/ Other ChargesPublicUnspecified"Smith, John" Stipend for participation in the Algebra workshop in Fredericksburg from 8/2- 8/5/ Materials and SuppliesPublicUnspecified MATH SOLUTIONS PUBLICATIONS 12 copies of Active Algebra: Strategies and Lessons for Successfully Teaching Linear Relationships. ISBN: $35.95 x 12 = $ % shipping ($43.14) = $ Reimbursement Requests
Reports: VDOE Reports due to VDOE –Progress Report #1 – September 30, 2015 –Financial Evaluation Report – March 1, 2016 –Progress Report #2 – September 30, 2016 Use template that is provided on MSP webpage at nting_msp.shtml nting_msp.shtml –Add to template for each report –Second progress report is cumulative Data gathered for these reports will be useful for USED reports
Reports: US Department of Education Annual reports are due to U.S. Department of Education (USED) Due dates: –March 1, 2016 (interim report) –November 4, 2016 (final year-one report) Online Annual Performance Reporting (APR) system Performance Reporting PI will receive an message with information regarding APR account
Reports: US Department of Education Important APR Notes Links to APR resources: APR Form and Definitions Performance Period 2013 (Updated June 2014) APR User's Guide for Performance Period 2013 (Updated June 2014) MSP FAQs for Annual Performance Reporting Rules Guiding the Use of Selected APR Items APR Overview for New Grantees MSP Project Abstract In the Project Abstract section of the form, you are asked to provide a brief abstract of your project. Please note that the project abstract will be used to describe your project in publications and on the ED-MSP website. Even if your state coordinator has already provided an abstract in another section of the report, the abstract must also be typed or cut and pasted into the space provided so that it can be automatically transferred to the public website. Please note that this is a summary of your project and is limited to 1000 words. You will be able to describe your project more fully in other sections of the APR. Instead of focusing on technical details, provide general information that can orient readers unfamiliar with your work. This includes the partner organizations, regions, participants, and populations affected by your project, as well as the most important elements of your professional development model that would be interesting to others. Include your primary goals and objectives, and any other useful background.
Reports: US Department of Education Professional Development Models In the Professional Development Models section, you will be asked for information about the type of professional development model(s) used in your MSP project. This includes the average number of professional development hours per participant, as well as categorizing whether your professional development included a summer institute of at least two weeks (or 60 hours). When providing the Total Contact Hours, be sure that this is the average course load for a participant in your project. Thus, if some participants missed a few hours of a course, you would still count the full hours of that course. But if 20 courses were offered, and the average participant only took 2 courses, you should list the number of hours for the 2 courses. You will also select types of professional development activities from a list, and provide a short narrative description of your professional development model.
Deadlines Mathematics & Science Partnership Grants Due DatesReportingFinancial May 29, 2015 Last day to submit approved budgets into OMEGA July 31, 2015 Reimbursement requests due for expenditure period March 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015 September 30, 2015Progress report #1Progress report #1 due to VDOELast day to encumber funds for S366B award October 30, 2015 Reimbursement requests due for expenditure period July 1, 2015 – September 30, 2015 November 13, 2015 Final reimbursement request due for expenditure period March 1, 2015 – September 30, Award S366B January 29, 2016 Reimbursement requests due for expenditure period October 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015 Award S366B March 1, 2016 Annual Performance ReportAnnual Performance Report (APR) due to VDOE Financial evaluation report dueFinancial evaluation April 29, 2016 Reimbursement requests due for expenditure period January 1, 2016 – March 31, 2016 Award S366B July 29, 2016 Reimbursement requests due for expenditure period April 1, 2016 – June 30, 2016 Award S366B September 30, 2016Progress report #2Progress report #2 due to VDOELast day to encumber funds for S366B award November 4, 2016Final APR due to VDOEAPR November 14, 2016 Final reimbursement request due for expenditure period March 1, 2015 – September 30, Award S366B140047
Other Information MSP Meeting – USED will hold state coordinator meeting in September 2015 and project meeting in spring Questions Kim Powell, Grants Manager Office of Science and Health Education Eric M. Rhoades, Director Office of Science and Health Education