Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute CSCI-4220 – Network Programming David Goldschmidt, Ph.D.
A protocol is an agreed-upon convention that defines how communication occurs between two (or more?) endpoints All endpoints must “understand” and correctly implement the protocol Protocols must be formally defined, unambiguous, and well-documented Protocols should address error conditions and unexpected scenarios
Network APIs provide the bridge between applications and protocol software Services are made available (often by the OS) Application Network API (via the OS) Protocol X Protocol Y Protocol Z But also OS-independent!
Network API often provides a generic programming interface: Support for multiple communication protocol suites/families (e.g. TCP, UDP, IP) Endpoint address representation independence Network data types (for portability) ▪ With from-host and to-host conversion functions ▪ e.g. htons(), ntohs(), htonl(), ntohl(), etc. Application Network API (via the OS) Protocol X Protocol Y Protocol Z
Functions provided by the Network API include: Specifying communication endpoints Initiating a connection (e.g. for TCP) Waiting for incoming connections Sending and receiving messages Terminating a connection Error detection and handling Application Network API (via the OS) Protocol X Protocol Y Protocol Z
A socket is an endpoint for communication Communication takes place over a pair of sockets : client server :21202 socket :80 listener socket :9500 socket
Pitfalls of socket-based communication between client and server include: Once a server binds to a port, no other server may bind to that port If client and server do not obey the rules of the protocol, errors may occur Client/server communication must often be synchronized
Each process has a file descriptor table (maintained by the operating system) This table is inherited from the parent process Defaults to stdin, stdout, and stderr When open() or socket() is called, the next available descriptor is assigned descriptor (int)default 0stdin 1stdout 2stderr
Socket descriptors are used to keep track of open socket connections descriptor (int)default 0stdin 1stdout 2stderr 3socket 4 5 etc. Family: PF_INET Service: SOCK_STREAM Local IP: Local Port: Remote IP: Remote Port: Family: PF_INET Service: SOCK_STREAM Local IP: Local Port: Remote IP: Remote Port: 44287
The domain parameter of socket() specifies the protocol family PF_INET : IPv4 Internet protocols PF_INET6 : IPv6 Internet protocols PF_UNIX / PF_LOCAL : Local communication etc.
The type parameter of socket() specifies the communication semantics SOCK_STREAM : Connection-oriented, sequenced, reliable, two-way communication of byte streams SOCK_DGRAM : Connectionless, unreliable communication of datagrams (messages of fixed length)
Use get/setsockopt() to manage options on an existing socket SO_ACCEPTCONN SO_BROADCAST SO_DONTROUTE SO_ERROR SO_KEEPALIVE SO_LINGER man 7 socket
HTTP is the protocol for communication between browser apps and Web servers Web servers are essentially HTTP servers Protocols have versions Most clients and servers support version 1.1 But 1.0 is also in use (maybe also 0.9?!) why?
Each layer prepends or appends its information in a header or trailer P Ethernet Hdr | IP Hdr | TCP Hdr | HTTP Request | Cksum IP Hdr | TCP Hdr | HTTP Request TCP Hdr | HTTP Request HTTP Request
RFC 1945 is the HTTP 1.0 standard see RFC 2616 is the HTTP 1.1 standard see RFC 2396 is the URI standard see
From the RFC: HTTP is an application-level protocol with the lightness and speed necessary for distributed, hypermedia information systems
Again from the RFC: HTTP communication generally takes place over TCP/IP connections The default port is TCP 80, but other ports can be used HTTP is not dependent on a specific transport layer https is typically TCP port 443
HTTP defines a very simple structure: A client sends a request The server sends a response HTTP supports multiple request/response exchanges over a single connection e.g. try using telnet to access a Web server....
HTTP requests are line-based ASCII text Lines must always end with "\r\n" (a.k.a. CRLF ) Headers are optional A blank line separates the request from the content Request-Line Header(s)... Header(s) blank line -- Content... Content... what content?!
The Request-Line consists of 3 tokens: Each token is separated by a space character Though "\r\n" is required by the protocol, "\n" seems to work in practice The HTTP-Version is either HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 Method URI HTTP-Version\r\n
The HTTP request’s Method can be: GET – request information identified by the given URI (absolute or relative?) HEAD – request metadata regarding the given URI (search engines!) POST – send (i.e. post) information to the given URI (e.g. via a form) Method URI HTTP-Version\r\n
The HTTP request’s Method can be: PUT – store information in the location identified by the given URI DELETE – remove the entity identified by the given URI (really?) Method URI HTTP-Version\r\n
The HTTP request’s Method can be: TRACE – used to trace HTTP forwarding through proxies, tunnels, etc. OPTIONS – determines the capabilities of the Web server or the characteristics of the named resource Method URI HTTP-Version\r\n
The GET, HEAD, and POST methods are supported everywhere Check out homework #2! HTTP 1.1 servers might support the PUT, DELETE, TRACE, and OPTIONS methods (but not always!) Method URI HTTP-Version\r\n
The URI is defined in RFC 2396RFC 2396 An absolute URI consists of four parts: A relative URI omits the scheme and server: ▪ The server is assumed (since we’re already connected) scheme://hostname[:port]/path /path which one should we use in our HTTP Request-Line ?
In general, relative URIs are used in the HTTP Request-Line HTTP 1.1 servers are required to support absolute URIs, but not all do When using a proxy HTTP server, an absolute URI is required Or else, the proxy server won’t know where to find the resource (i.e. document)
After the Request-Line, the request might have header lines Header lines specify attribute name/value pairs (e.g. User-Agent: ) Note that HTTP 1.1 requires the Host: header always be included Request-Line Header(s)... Header(s) blank line -- Content... Content...
Request headers provide information to the server about the client Who is making the request What kind of client is making the request What kind of content will be accepted In HTTP 1.0, all headers are optional In HTTP 1.1, the Host: header must be sent
Headers can be included in any order: For GET and HEAD requests, that’s the end (though don’t forget the blank line!) GET /index.html HTTP/1.1 Accept: text/html Host: From: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 Referer: Accept: text/html Host: From: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 Referer: -- blank line --
If a POST request is made, the headers must include Content-Length : POST /~goldsd/changegrade.php HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Host: User-Agent: SecretAgent v3.0 Referer: Content-Length: 36 Accept: */* Host: User-Agent: SecretAgent v3.0 Referer: Content-Length: blank line -- rin= &item=midterm&grade=104
HTTP responses are line-based ASCII text A Status-Line is always returned A blank line separates the response from the content Content is a sequence of bytes (e.g. HTML, image, text, etc.) Status-Line Header(s)... Header(s) blank line -- Content... Content...
The Status-Line consists of 3 tokens: The HTTP-Version is either HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 (and does not necessarily match the corresponding request) Response status is represented using a 3-digit Status-Code and a human-readable Message HTTP-Version Status-Code Message
Status codes are grouped as follows: 1xx – Informational 2xx – Success 3xx – Redirection 4xx – Client Error 5xx – Server Error (click me)
Example status lines include: HTTP/ OK HTTP/ Moved Permanently HTTP/ Bad Request HTTP/ Forbidden HTTP/ Internal Server Error
After the Status-Line, the response typically has header lines Header lines specify attribute name/value pairs (e.g. Date: ) As with request headers, response headers end with a blank line Status-Line Header(s)... Header(s) blank line -- Content... Content...
Response headers provide information to the client about the entity (i.e. document) What kind of entity/document How many bytes are in the document How the document is encoded When the document was last modified The Content-Type header is required, as is the Content-Length header (usually)
Headers can be included in any order: HTTP/ OK Date: Wed, 30 Jan :48:17 EST Server: Apache/1.17 Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 1756 Content-Encoding: gzip Date: Wed, 30 Jan :48:17 EST Server: Apache/1.17 Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 1756 Content-Encoding: gzip -- blank line fjfjef0jefe0fje2f0je2f0je2f0e2jfe0fje20 fj2e0fjef0jef0e2jf0efje0fje02fje20fje2f0ejf 0jef2e09fj209g209fj20gag09ha0gh0agha0gjg0jg
For HTTP 1.0, default behavior is as follows: Client sends a complete HTTP request Server sends back a complete HTTP response Server closes its socket Therefore: If the client needs another document (e.g. images, CSS, etc.), the client must open a new socket connection!
In HTTP 1.0, support for persistent connections is available Multiple requests can be handled over a single TCP/IP socket connection The Keep-Alive: header is used to keep the connection alive
As of HTTP 1.1, support for persistent connections is available (and is the default) Multiple requests can be handled over a single TCP/IP socket connection The Connection: header is used to exchange information about persistence ▪ e.g. Connection: close