What sexually transmitted diseases can I get? © Robert J. Atkins, Ph.D.


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Presentation transcript:

What sexually transmitted diseases can I get? © Robert J. Atkins, Ph.D.

Why are STD’s increasing? n Increasing sexual activity n Multiple sexual partners n Use of birth control pills – Increases the chance of contracting an STD to almost 100%

What are my chances of getting an STD? n 50% by age 30-35

What bacterial STD am I most likely to get? n Chlamydia n Most common bacterial STD in US n Often no symptoms in men and women n Female symptoms – Urethritis, cervicitis – PID n Male Burning urination

What increases a woman’s risk for chlamydia? n Oral contraceptives n Douching

What causes Syphilis? n Treponema Pallidium

How do I know if I have Syphilis? n Primary stage - Painless sore

Syphilis - symptoms n Primary stage - Painless sore

Syphilis - symptoms n Primary stage - Painless sore

Syphilis - symptoms n Secondary stage - skin rash

Syphilis - symptoms n Third (Tertiary) stage n No symptoms n Severe systemic illness – Death, blindness, mental illness

Latent syphilis passed on to the fetus:

Do you remember? n Why are STDs increasing? n What bacterial STD are you most likely to get? n What increases a woman’s risk of getting chlamydia? n What are the three stages of syphilis?

Gonorrhea n Bacterial infection

How do I know if I have Gonorrhea? n Symptoms (in males) – Burning urination – Cloudy discharge n Symptoms (in women) – Most women unaware of primary symptoms

How can I test for Gonorrhea symptoms? n “Short-arm “ inspection – “milking” penis for suspicious discharge

Gonorrhea - diagnosis

Herpes n Perhaps 1 in 5 of population infected n Type I & II – Oral herpes transmitted through kissing – Genital herpes transmitted through oral sex n Transmitted during asymptomatic periods n Will not pass through latex condoms

How do I know if I have herpes? n Prodromal symptoms – Itching or burning n Symptoms – Blisters

Herpes - Blisters

How can I cure herpes? n No cure n Treatment with Zovirax

Do you remember? n How do you know if you have gonorrhea? n Are most women aware they have symptoms? n How can you test for gonorrhea symptoms? n Can herpes be transmitted if the person has no symptoms? n What is herpes treated with? n Can herpes be cured?

How do I know if I have pubic lice? n Symptoms – Itching in the pubic area

Pubic Lice n Treatment

How do I know if I have genital warts? n Most prevalent STD in the U.S. n Caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

Genital warts - Treatment n No cure, but will often subside by itself. n Related to various cancers – (e.g. cervical cancer) n Prevention – Gardasil vaccine

Gardasil Vaccine – For both sexes 9 to 26 years old – Most effective if given before sexual activity begins n Protects against 2 high risk strains of HPV causing 70% of cervical cancers n Protects against 2 low risk strains responsible for 90% of genital warts n Even if you have been exposed to one strain, the vaccine can protect against other strains n You should get this vaccine! – (personal opinion)

Do you remember? n How do I know if I have pubic lice? n Can genital warts be cured? n If you get genital warts, what should be a women’s main concern? n When should the Gardasil vaccine ideally be given?

HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus n Heterosexual transmission increasing n Incubation period – years n Increasing faster among women than men n Early symptoms similar to other types of illnesses. E.g. the flu.

How can I avoid HIV? n Avoid IV drugs n Avoid anal intercourse n Avoid intercourse during menstruation n Avoid male or female prostitutes

Where is the HIV virus found? n Vaginal secretions n Blood n Semen n Saliva n Urine n Breast milk

How can I avoid STDs? (Safer Sex) n Tell partner about your previous sexual history n Carry & use latex condoms every time n Use a water based lubricant (e.g.” KY”) – Oil based lubricants damage latex condoms n Use spermicidal foams, jellies or creams – Some spermicides kill some STD germs – Apply inside the tip of the condom – Apply inside the vagina

What is the right way to use a condom? n Unroll the condom directly onto the erect penis (do not unroll it first) n Leave space in reservoir tip n Store in a cool dry place n Withdraw after ejaculation while still erect (hold the base of the condom to prevent slippage). “No love without the glove!”

Do you remember? n Is HIV increasing most rapidly among men or women? n How can you avoid HIV? n What general methods can you use to avoid STDs? n What is the right way to use a condom?