Support Vector Machines: a different approach to finding the decision boundary, particularly good at generalisation finishing off last lecture …
Suppose we can divide the classes with a simple hyperplane
There will be infinitely many such lines
One of them is ‘optimal’
Beause it maximises the average distance of the hyperplane from the ‘support vectors’ – instances that are closest to instances of different class
A Support Vector Machine (SVM) finds this hyperplane
But, usually there is no simple hyperplane that separates the classes!
One dimension (x), two classes
Two dimensions (x, x*sin(x)),
Now we can separate the classes
SVMs do ths: If we add enough extra dimensions/fields using arbitrary functions of the existing fields, then it becomes very likely we can separate the data. SVMs - apply such a transformation - then find the optimal separating hyperplane. The ‘optimality’ of the sep hyp means good generalisation properties
Decision Trees
Real world applications of DTs See here for a list: survey/node32.html survey/node32.html Includes: Agriculture, Astronomy, Biomedical Engineering, Control Systems, Financial analysis, Manufacturing and Production, Medicine, Molecular biology, Object recognition, Pharmacology, Physics, Plant diseases, Power systems, Remote Sensing, Software development, Text processing:
Field names
Field values
Field names Field values Class values
Why decision trees? Popular, since they are interpretable... and correspond to human reasoning/thinking about decision-making Can perform quite well in accuracy when compared with other approaches... and there are good algorithms to learn decision trees from data
Figure 1. Binary Strategy as a tree model. Mohammed MA, Rudge G, Wood G, Smith G, et al. (2012) Which Is More Useful in Predicting Hospital Mortality -Dichotomised Blood Test Results or Actual Test Values? A Retrospective Study in Two Hospitals. PLoS ONE 7(10): e doi: /journal.pone
Figure 1. Binary Strategy as a tree model.
We will learn the ‘classic’ algorithm to learn a DT from categorical data:
Suppose we want a tree that helps us predict someone’s politics, given their gender, age, and wealth genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Choose a start node (field) at random genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Choose a start node (field) at random ? genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Choose a start node (field) at random Age genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Add branches for each value of this field Age young mid old genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Check to see what has filtered down Age young mid old 1 L, 2 R 1 L, 1 R0 L, 1 R genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Where possible, assign a class value Age young mid old 1 L, 2 R 1 L, 1 R0 L, 1 R Right-Wing genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Otherwise, we need to add further nodes Age young mid old 1 L, 2 R 1 L, 1 R0 L, 1 R ? ? Right-Wing genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Repeat this process every time we need a new node Age young mid old 1 L, 2 R 1 L, 1 R0 L, 1 R ? ? Right-Wing genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Starting with first new node – choose field at random Age young mid old 1 L, 2 R 1 L, 1 R0 L, 1 R wealth ? Right-Wing genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Check the classes of the data at this node… Age young mid old 1 L, 2 R 1 L, 1 R0 L, 1 R wealth ? Right-Wing rich poor 1 L, 0 R 1 L, 1 R genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
And so on … Age young mid old 1 L, 2 R 1 L, 1 R0 L, 1 R wealth ? Right-Wing rich poor 1 L, 1 R Right-wing genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
But we can do better than randomly chosen fields! genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
This is the tree we get if first choice is `gender’ genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
gender male female Right-Wing Left-Wing genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing This is the tree we get if first choice is `gender’
Algorithms for building decision trees (of this type) Initialise: tree T contains one ‘unexpanded’ node Repeat until no unexpanded nodes remove an unexpanded node U from T expand U by choosing a field add the resulting nodes to T
Algorithms for building decision trees (of this type) – expanding a node ?
Algorithms for building decision trees (of this type) – the essential step Field ? ?? Value = X Value = Y Value = Z
So, which field? Field ? ?? Value = X Value = Y Value = Z
Three choices: gender, age, or wealth genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Suppose we choose age (table now sorted by age values) genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing Two of the values have a mixture of classes
Suppose we choose wealth (table now sorted by wealth values) genderagewealthpolitics femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing One of the values has a mixture of classes - this choice is a bit less mixed up than age?
Suppose we choose gender (table now sorted by gender values) genderagewealthpolitics femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing The classes are not mixed up at all within the values
So, at each step where we choose a node to expand, we make the choice where the relationship between the field values and the class values is least mixed up
Measuring ‘mixed-up’ness: Shannon’s entropy measure Suppose you have a bag of N discrete things, and there T different types of things. Where, p T is the proportion of things in the bag that are type T, the entropy of the bag is:
Examples: This mixture: { left left left right right } has entropy: − ( 0.6 log(0.6) log(0.4)) = This mixture: { A A A A A A A A B C } has entropy: − ( 0.8 log(0.8) log(0.1) log(0.1)) =0.278 This mixture: {same same same same same same} has entropy: − ( 1.0 log(1.0) ) = 0 Lower entropy = less mixed up
ID3 chooses fields based on entropy Field1 Field2 Field3 … val1 val1 val1 val2 val2 val2 val3 val3 Each val has an entropy value – how mixed up the classes are for that value choice
ID3 chooses fields based on entropy Field1 Field2 Field3 … val1 x p1 val1 x p1 val1 x p1 val2 x p2 val2 x p2 val2 x p2 val3 x p3 val3 x p3 Each val has an entropy value – how mixed up the classes are for that value choice And each val also has a proportion – how much of the data at this node has this val
ID3 chooses fields based on entropy Field1 Field2 Field3 … val1 x p1 val1 x p1 val1 x p1 val2 x p2 val2 x p2 val2 x p2 val3 x p3 val3 x p3 = = = H(D|Field1) H(D|Field2) H(D|Field3) So ID3 works out H(D|Field) for each field, which is the entropies of the values weighted by the proportions.
ID3 chooses fields based on entropy Field1 Field2 Field3 … val1 x p1 val1 x p1 val1 x p1 val2 x p2 val2 x p2 val2 x p2 val3 x p3 val3 x p3 = = = H(D|Field1) H(D|Field2) H(D|Field3) So ID3 works out H(D|Field) for each field, which is the entropies of the values weighted by the proportions. The one with the lowest value is chosen – this maximises ‘Information Gain’
Back here gender, age, or wealth genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing
Suppose we choose age (table now sorted by age values) genderagewealthpolitics malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing H(D| age) = proportion-weighted entropy = x − ( 0.5 x log(0.5) x log(0.5) ) x − ( 1 x log(1) ) + x − ( 0.33 x log(0.33) xlog(0.66) )
Suppose we choose wealth (table now sorted by wealth values) genderagewealthpolitics femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing H(D|wealth) = x − ( 0.5 x log(0.5) x log(0.5) ) + x − ( 1 x log(1) )
Suppose we choose gender (table now sorted by gender values) genderagewealthpolitics femalemiddle-agedpoorLeft-wing femaleyoungpoorLeft-wing maleoldpoorRight-wing malemiddle-agedrichRight-wing maleyoungpoorRight-wing maleyoungrichRight-wing H(D| gender) = x − ( 1 x log (1) ) + x − ( 1 x log (1) ) This is the one we would choose...
Alternatives to Information Gain - all, somehow or other, give a measure of mixed-upness and have been used in building DTs Chi Square Gain Ratio, Symmetric Gain Ratio, Gini index Modified Gini index Symmetric Gini index J-Measure Minimum Description Length, Relevance RELIEF Weight of Evidence
Decision Trees Further reading is on google Interesting topics in context are: Pruning: close a branch down before you hit 0 entropy ( why?) Discretization and regression: trees that deal with real valued fields Decision Forests: what do you think these are?