Livia Trif Executive director of Holt International Children Services – Romanian Branch Executive director of Holt Romania Foundation for Consultancy and Social Services for Children and Families
HOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S SERVICES is an American NGO specialized in social services for children and families. Established in 1956 in the United States in Eugene, Oregon, Holt presently works in 11 countries throughout the world. The Romanian branch of Holt International Children’s Services was accredited by the Romanian Government in 1992 to develop programs in Child Welfare and Child Protection; now HOLT carries out social programs in 4 sites: Bucharest, Constanta, Targu-Mures and Iasi.
HOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S SERVICES Romanian Branch “Every child deserves a home of his own” “All the children are beautiful when they are loved”
HOLT’S MISSION Holt International Children Services is dedicated to carrying out God’s plan for every child to have a permanent, loving home through reuniting birth families, in-country adoption and international adoption.
Social Assistance Program for HIV affected Children and Families Addresses HIV+ children who are institutionalized (hospitalized) and to those from the community living in their families, being at risk of abandonment/institutionalization.
PROGRAM PURPOSE Through this program, Holt proposes to contribute to the normalization of living standards of children affected by HIV and their families, maintaining the child within the family, community and school and also to offer an alternative for the abandoned HIV+ children.
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Prevention of the abandonment of the HIV affected/infected children. Reintegration in the biological family of the abandoned HIV+ children. Providing an alternative to HIV+ child’s institutionalization, which is foster care. Improving the crisis situations that occur in the HIV+ child’s family. Social reintegration of the HIV/AIDS children and their families. School reintegration of the HIV+ child. Representing the interest of HIV/AIDS infected children in front of the authorities and collaborating with them in order to improve their situation.
PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Protecting the rights of HIV/AIDS infected and affected persons and promoting tolerance and a non-discriminatory attitude about them. Facilitating organizational development and supporting associations of parents with HIV positive children and NGO’s working in HIV/AIDS domain from Romania. Accessing national and international funds for associations of parents with HIV positive children and NGO’s working in HIV/AIDS domain. Offering technical support, training, consultation, informative and didactic material for developing the abilities of the members from associations of parents with HIV positive children from Romania.
PROGRAM SERVICES Counseling of the child and his/her family “pre” and “post” HIV testing and in the crisis periods as well. Foster Care (Maternal assistance) for abandoned HIV+ children. Information and education regarding the disease and needed therapy. Information regarding the legal rights of HIV+ persons. Assistance in order to get their legal rights. Connection to the community and institutional resources. Financial support for at-risk HIV+ children.
PROGRAM HISTORY The Social Assistance Program for HIV+ Children and Their Families started in 1993 as a result of the problem of HIV+ children being abandoned and institutionalized due to the reason of the disease as well as the tendency for HIV+ people to be rejected by the community within they live.
ACHIEVEMENTS 812 children have received complex social services in order to prevent their abandonment and to reduce the number of institutionalized HIV affected children. 37 children abandoned in hospitals returned to their biological families. 15 abandoned children have been placed in foster care families finding the family that they deserve.
Florin 13 years old Abandoned from birth in hospital without any identity Loves to live in the countryside Enjoys not only his first family but also his first brother.
Ana-Maria Institutionalized in orphanage for 3 years together with her sister 2 years in Foster Care Reintegrated to her biological family Sensitive, emotional instability
Cornel Case referred as an emergency by the national television 13 years old Loves animals, especially horses Enjoys a lot his new foster brother
Ionut 15 years old He lost his foster brother who died of AIDS and suffered a lot Loves to ride the bicycle Has many friends
Nicusor He lived the last 4 years of his life in a loving familiar environment with 4 sisters He loved to sing and dance He died last year at the age of 12
Oana Abandoned during her first year of life 5 years already lived in the same foster family who lost their biological child by AIDS 12 years old, tomboy Cheerful disposition
Olimpia She never knew her parents Lived in an orphanage Her dream became a reality when she was placed in the Foster family 12 years old now Loves to go to school
Simona She had the bad luck to be rejected by 2 foster families Loves flowers Photogenic, friendly Lives now with a social family in a children’s home 13 years old
Tita Survived for 3 years in Foster Care enjoying life. Everybody loved her and remembers her smiley face She passed away last year
Valentin He lived in an orphanage until he was 9 Placed in the foster family on his anniversary Spoiled, tender, exuberant