Load Latino American Barometer Go to library, resources for your subject, library, then economics, then: Statistics & Data
Then: Latinobarometro: Latin American public opinion survey - to change the language, click on the English/Espagnol tab. Statistical information is available via Data Bank, Documents & Publications tabs - you can also use the Latinobarometro to conduct simple online analyses of statistics. The site also features annual reports. Latinobarometro:
Then click on english at the top Inicio Corporación Banco de datos Análisis en Línea Documentos Publicaciones Contacto English InicioCorporaciónBanco de datosAnálisis en LíneaDocumentosPublicacionesContacto English
Then data bank Home Corporation Data Bank Online analysis Documents Publications Contact Español HomeCorporationData BankOnline analysis DocumentsPublicationsContactEspañol
Choose 2009 and stata/se file -dta Download Data Files Data files are available for different years and in various formats and in both Spanish - the official language - and English. Latinobarómetro 2010 NEW Select a format: [SPSS file - SAV] [Stata/SE file - DTA] [SAS V11 file][SPSS file - SAV][Stata/SE file - DTA] [SAS V11 file] Latinobarómetro 2009 REVISED (Labelled Region, City, Policital Parties + Spain's data) Select a format: [SPSS file - SAV] [Stata/SE file - DTA] [SAS V11 file][SPSS file - SAV][Stata/SE file - DTA] [SAS V11 file]
Then download file Download file: LATINOBARÓMETRO DATA FILE - STATA/SE V11 Please, take note of the following: The file cannot be redistributed The file is compressed using Winzip. You need to decompress it before using it. The file contains data at the respondent level. If you want to see ellaborated tables, you should better use the online analysis option. In order to open this file, you will need the corresponding statistical program (SPSS, Stata, SAS, and so on) Click the following link to begin download: Download file Download file
You are given option, open or save, choose save In the browser choose a suitable place to save, could be a flash drive Now open laptop/pc search and find the file you have just downloaded. There are 4 files 2 in spanish and 2 in english. Two each of data files and the questionnaire. Copy/move the english files to another directory
Now open stata Click file (top left menu bar) then open from menu Locate the data file you have just downloaded and click on it:
It has not worked, not enough memory. Block copy the use instriuction and….
Remember its case sensitive be careful with upper and lower case letters. set mem use "C:\Users\John\Desktop\courses\masters\LAT_Latinobarometro2008_dta\Latinob arometro_2008_eng.dta", clear OK now you have opened the data. Type summ t*
And this describes all data beginning with t
Now open questionnaire and we see: Q5ST. Do you consider the countrys present economic situation to be much better, a little better, about the same, a little worse or much worse than 12 months ago? (WAIT FOR ANSWER AND TICK ONLY ONE) Much better A little better About the same A little worse Much worse DNK DONT READ DNA
Q28ST. (SHOW CARD 6) Please look at this card and tell me, how much trust you have in each of the following groups, institutions or persons: a lot (1), some (2), a little (3) or no trust (4)? (READ EACH ALTERNATIVE AND TICK ONE FOR EACH) L S L N DNK DNA Q28ST.A. National Congress/ Parliament Q28ST.B. Judiciary Q28ST.C. Political parties Q28ST.D. Armed forces Q28ST.E. Public Administration Q28ST.F. Local government Q28ST.G The church
Lets do a tabulation of two of the variables Tab2 Q5ST Q28ST.B. It did not work. Look at the data base using data editor The variables seemes to be called p not Q. Try it: describe p5st p28*
Good, so then…..
This is part of the output tab2 p5st p28st_a
Now a histogram histogram p5st
Exclude dont knows and no answers histogram p5st if p5st>0 & p5st<6
& with a kernel density histogram p5st if p5st>0 & p5st<6,kdensity, which is not very interesting
A kernel density os like a continuous histogram. Try it on a continuous variable: age. histogram edad if edad>0 & edad<90,kdensity Interesting