Klinika za bolesti uha, nosa i grla s kirurgijom glave i vrata


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Presentation transcript:

Klinika za bolesti uha, nosa i grla s kirurgijom glave i vrata ŽLIJEZDE SLINOVNICE doc.dr.sc. Željka Roje Klinika za bolesti uha, nosa i grla s kirurgijom glave i vrata KBC Split

SEKRECIJA SLINE Ukupno 1000 do 1500 ml u 24 sata 60% u parotidnim žlijezdama, 30% u submandibularnim, 5% u sublingvalnim i 5 % u malim žlijezdama Stvara se iz plazme procesima difuzije i osmoze između kapilara i acinusnih stanica

SASTAV SLINE 99,42% voda 0,22% Kalcijev fosfat i karbonat 0,14% amilaza

FUNKCIJE SLINE Probavna (oblikovanje bolusa, amilaza) Zaštitna općenito(lizozimi) Zaštitna lokalno (obnova i održavanje cakline zuba, mehaničko čišćenje zubala) “Epidemiološka”(virusi) Posreduje u osjetu okusa Sudjeluje u održavnju AB ravnoteže

FUNKCIONALNI POREMEĆAJI SLINJENJA HIPOSALIVACIJA (HIPOPTIJALIZAM) Smanjeno stvaranje sline U kroničnim upalama, degenerativnim bolestima, nakon iradijacije, dehidracije, uporabe lijekova s antikolinergičnim učinkom (atropin), neuroleptika, sedativa, antihistaminika Liječenje: palijativno HIPERSALIVACIJA (PTIJALIZAM) Nepoznate geneze Liječenje: atropin, zračenje – male doze

DIJAGNOZA Anamneza Klinički pregled (palpacija, inspekcija) Specijalne pretrage: sijalografija, scintigrafija UZ, CT, NMR Citološka punkcija



UPALE Infectious parotitis Acute bacterial parotitis: The patient reports progressive painful swelling of the gland and fever; chewing aggravates the pain. Acute viral parotitis (mumps): Pain and swelling of the gland last 5-9 days. Moderate malaise, anorexia, and fever occur. Bilateral involvement is present in most instances. HIV parotitis: Nonpainful swelling of the gland occurs; otherwise, patient is asymptomatic. Parotitis in tuberculosis: Chronic nontender swelling of one parotid gland occurs, or a lump is noted within the gland. Symptoms of tuberculosis are found in some cases.

UPALE Chronic punctate parotitis (chronic autoimmune parotitis) Mikulicz disease: This is a historical disease only; it should not be diagnosed today. Sjögren syndrome: Recurrent or chronic swelling of one or both parotid glands with no apparent cause is noted. It is frequently associated with autoimmune disease. Discomfort is modest in most cases and is related to dry mouth and eyes. Lymphoepithelial lesion of Godwin: This is a historical category that is not used today.

UPALE Diseases of uncertain etiology Recurrent parotitis of childhood: Repetitious episodes of unilateral or bilateral mumps like episodes in a young child are indicative. Sarcoidosis: Chronic nontender swelling of parotid gland occurs. Chronic nonspecific parotitis: Most commonly, patients experience episodes of painful parotid inflammation that last for hours to weeks with relative asymptomatic periods between. Pain varies from mild to incapacitating.



SIJALOLITIJAZA Ca fosfat 74% Ca karbonat 11% ostalo


TUMORI Najčešći u parotidi Što je žlijezda manja šansa da se radi o malignom tumoru je veća!

TERAPIJA kirurgija radioterapija

KIRURGIJA Superficijalna parotidektomija Totalna parotidektomija TP s disekcijom vrata TP sa žrtvovanjem ličnog živca (ev. rekonstrukcija živca)