Social Media and the University of Bath. 10 th September 2010
What is social media? Social Media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio.
What are we including as social media? Forums and Online Communities Blogs Social Networks Multimedia sharing Social Bookmarking Diggs RSS readers Microblogging
Reasons social media is important… 73% of active online users have read a blog 45% have started their own blog 39% subscribe to an RSS feed 57% have joined a social network 55% have uploaded photos 83% have watched video clips Visiting social sites is now the 4 th most popular online activity – ahead of personal Figures from What the F*ck is Social Media by Marta Kagan
It doesnt matter what industry you are in. Your customers and prospects are talking about you online. Your company needs to be part of that conversation. The 6 Dangerous Fallacies of Social Media, Jason Baer
Why should universities use social media to engage students? reach a large target audience its relatively cheap – although time intensive new generation of prospective students expect an online presence students will discuss us online, we should be part of that discussion
How universities can use social media to engage prospective students Sharing information –Broadcasting university news and events –Departmental blogs that discuss current work and research –Videos of research or campus tours Showcasing student and department work –Videos, audio, photo sharing, blogs Connecting people –Creating a dialogue and communicating to students –Involving students in events –Allowing prospective students to meet online
Where is Bath? No social media policy or strategy Presence on a number of sites –Variety of owners –No clear message –Lack of overall responsibility –Some excellent pages –A developing community
University of Bath managed Facebook page
University of Bath rogue Facebook page!
University of Bath community Facebook page!
Searching for Bath on Flickr gives us some great images
We have a Flickr group – are we using it enough? Image library…
Cardiff University used flickr to engage students in the 125 th Anniversary events 125 th Anniversary events
Bath School of Management on YouTube, there is also a main University of Bath channelUniversity of Bath channel
Oxford University using YouTube to broadcast lectures
Stanford offers Facebook office hours for students to talk to teaching staff
Strong twitter page – could we engage more?
Whats important? Being responsible for what we write Being authentic and transparent Considering our audience Choosing the right tone Developing community Bringing value How we moderate Managing our time
What can we do? Communications/Web Services to take overall responsibility? Complete a thorough audit of what accounts we have Develop a university wide social media policy and strategy Create a portal page on the website for social media Link to Play and InPictures? Delegate responsibility to others – with the policy and strategy content should become more consistent